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Katsuki groaned while sitting downstairs in the commons. "What even am I doing down here?!" He shouted, then Kirishima started laughing. "You told me you would come down here and hang out with us remember?" Katsuki growled, the only thing he remembers is Kirishima bothering him to come downstairs until he eventually did. Kaminari and sero started laughing as well. "Alright alright. Now that's over, Kaminari, how are you and jiro doing?" Sero said, and Kaminari smiled bright.

Katsuki jumped a little while they were talking about kyoka, but he brushed it off and sighed. "What about you bakubro??" Sero asked and katsuki raised his hand with explosions coming out of it. "Haaa?! What do you mean flextape?!" Kirishima and Kaminari started laughing. "You know what I mean. I know you like someone. You could be a bit aggressive but I know even someone like YOU has a crush." Sero said, and katsuki calmed down.

Katsuki rubbed his eyes in annoyance, then shook his head. "I don't. Why would I have a crush on any of these extras?" He lied right out of his teeth but they accepted it. "Guys, I really think I'm gonna ask jiro out soon. It's going really good and I think she feels the same way." Kaminari said with a goofy smile and the two boys cheered, but katsuki... He got up, then started heading for his room. "Wait bakubro? Where are you going?" Kirishima asked but katsuki shrugged. "I'm going back to my room. I'm tired of this talk about crushes and shit."

He walked off with his hands in his pockets and sighed. He felt irritated. Or, was it jealousy? He didn't know and that just made him angry. "GODDAMN IT!!!!" He shouted with small explosions coming out of his hands, then he felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around and all of his confused feelings went away, and were replaced with calmness. "Something on your mind hothead?" Kyoka asked. Katsuki chuckled with a smirk. "Wouldn't you like to know, long ears?"

She started laughing lightly. "Fine, don't tell me. See you later then." Kyoka started walking away and katsuki smirk was replaced with a frown. He watched her walking away, and his thoughts were all over the place. "Goddamn it.." he thought, then shouted "wait jiro." She turned with a smile on her face. A small shade of red came on his face and he looked away. "Do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow?" Katsuki asked and Kyokas face turned red.

"W-Where did that come from?!" She yelled out of embarrassment and katsuki chuckled. "Look, do you want to or not?" She grabbed her Jacks and put them together, then she nodded. "Okay good. Let's meet in front of the school gates tomorrow at 5PM. See you there." Katsuki said with a smirk, then started walking back to his room. When he got there he opened the door, then shut it and started jumping up and down. "Yes yes yes yes YESSSS!" He thought with the biggest smile on his face.

Katsuki got a text and he looked at it, then his happiness turned into regret. It was a text from Kaminari. He groaned as he remembered the conversation they just had in the common room, then slapped his head. "But jiro said yes to me." He thought, then another thought came in. "But you aren't being a good friend. You knew Kaminari has a crush on jiro but you still asked her out on a date." Katsuki looked into his mirror, then fell down into his bed.

He sighed. "But, I like her too." Katsuki shook his head, then started picking out clothes for tomorrow's date.

//With kyoka\\

Kyoka started throwing clothes out of her closet looking for something to wear tomorrow. "Come on, it can't be this hard choosing out clothes!" She shouted and started to scratch her head out of frustration. Kyoka heard a knock on her door so she hurried and opened the door, then saw momo standing in the doorway. "Are you okay jiro? I can hear you shouting from my room." Kyoka smiled, then pulled her into her room.

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