You Meet

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FYI you aren't wearing the dress uniform in any of these. I have a thing against dresses that look like they're supposed to be in a smoothie.So your basically just wearing jeans and a graphic T.


The only reason you were at this school was because of a scholarship you didn't want to waste. Within the first week, you met the Host Club. Now your favorite by far was this kid named Tamaki Suoh, not because of his 'princely' demeanor but because he had this sad type of energy to him and yet he was this big ball of energy. It was from then on you decided to stick around to 1. Figure him out and 2. Be there for him. And Tamaki being Tamaki he easily accepted you into his life so you became friends.

You also love how much of a dumbass he is. You of course being your morosexual self.


You met randomly in the middle of the school year when you and your dumbass friends decided to play Hide and Seek Tag. You instantly started running once they started counting and you just freaking ran (quickly walked for me) without thinking. You ended up on the other side of the school next to a music room. You entered the music room and met the host club that faithful day. You were quickly clingy to Kyoya, not as bad as Renge but enough to slightly annoy him. You guys never became friends officially you kinda just stuck around and he kinda just accepted the fact you weren't gonna leave.

The Hitachiin Twins(that's right we're doing poly mah boys)

You always held your feelings together and never really had a problem with your emotions. You always tried to think logically and keep it together cause it's what you've known. But today you we're having a hell of a hard time. You were randomly wanting to start crying and throwing things in the middle of class, it was bad. You were eating right, you were hydrated, you weren't on your period, nothing was making sense that day or even week. You quickly left class and just stayed in a supplies closet for a half an hour quietly crying to yourself. The door opened and you saw two boys, twins, just looking at you completely shocked. You stood up to quickly leave but they quickly started asking questions. You explained to them you just needed to let your emotions out for a little bit and was looking for a place not to be embarrassed. But oh how that worked. They laughed at that and then for the rest of the day hung out with you trying to make you laugh. You quickly became friends. All you know is as soon as you met them all the logic you have ever known was out the window. But you felt happy.


Well, to put it short you were super weak. Like super weak... so you decided to join karate. Good right? Nope. Your first and only thing to do was to break a board no matter what you did, how much force, what people told you to do, and no matter what board, you just couldn't break one. You were jumping on it, kicking it, hitting it and everything, nothing was working. Although it was fun for the day you were there you decided karate was not for you. You did, however, become best friends with the hottest guy and the two strongest people you knew. The thing was you were always so full of energy, like, honey took naps but you didn't. Takashi has tried to get you to but to no avail. It's like you on a sugar rush 24/7. He doesn't understand how when someone has as much energy as you do how they can be so... petite. He's always looking out for you none the less.


You were short. You thought you were the shortest person at Ouran High School Academy until you met Honey. You were exactly a half an inch taller and you found that to be your proudest achievement ever. You boasted about that for a few minutes before moving on and asking questions about the Host Club. But during those few seconds, Honey hated that you felt the need to boast that. In fact, for weeks he felt the need to be extra salty towards you. After the fifth week and becoming friends with everyone except Honey you grew exceptionally worried. After about 7 weeks into knowing him, you broke down crying in front of Haruhi about how Honey hated you and all that. Haruhi then (passively aggressively) brought it up to everyone. He felt really bad afterward and apologized for some time but still said he was upset for you boasting about it. After another week of him just pouting at you, you two basically became best friends. Takashi still being his bestest friend uwu.

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