Asking out

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It was two months into knowing him and you were endlessly flirting with him and each and every pick up line was going STRAIGHT OVER HIS HEAD. Like seriously this guy is the embodiment of r/Woooosh. When ever you did anything to give him a clue the you like him he would either ask you what you mean, ignore it, or say something completely different. At least that's what you thought. You talked to Kyoya about it cause it was annoying the duck out of you. Welp when you told him he closed his book rubbed his temples and sighed "Just tell him." You looked at him awhile and then sighed yourself realizing he was right. So then after a while of trying to ask him out, face turning red, stuttering, and him thinking you meant going to town with the whole host club you just gave up. Two weeks later Kyoya explained to Tamaki what you meant and he instantly apologized profusely hoping you'd give him a chance. You did if course you just felt a lot happier now.


It was a month and a half and you never actually told him but you knew he knew and he knew you knew. You never hid it and you were very touchy with him, never sexually though. You always were touchy unless he was in a bad mood. You always hugged him, sat in his lap, held his hand, and always hid behind him when you were scared, you tried when you were embarrassed but him being the sadist he is doesn't let you. He didn't mind as long as you kept quite when he was doing paperwork and you didn't stop him from having his fun. Most of the time the club just assumed you were dating. It wasn't until the Twins asked what you were to each-other that neither of you answered and you both just gave each other a side glance and a shrugged. You kinda just silently agreed you were a thing before so now you have to actually talk about it. Which Kyoya will have fun with.

His only rule is that you can't be at his table/area when he's working.

The Hitachiin Twins

Now y'all have been friends for about 6 months. Your as close to those two, as those two are to each other. You have a serious crush on the both of them but you've been ignoring it for the facts that; polygamy relationships aren't very well looked upon, you don't even know if they like you back, logically people only like one person. Maybe it was platonic and you were confusing yourself?? They are twins, they're your friends and the fact that they work as a host a would cause multiple problems client wise. So you talked to Kyoya and Tamaki about becoming the first official hostess and expanding it. Those two agreed buttttt Hikaru and Kaoru were pissed when they learned that you were joining as a hostess. At the end of the day the two dragged you to a private room where they corned you to a wall and were on either sides of you, Kabedon to the max. Them confronting you had your heart beating so loudly you were sure they could hear it (Doki Doki??). You're face completely red, not making eye contact, stuttering. It actually gave them both relief you were acting like this so they can confess. Now your dating secretly and all three of you are working as a host(ess).


Mori kept distracting you so you wouldn't bother all the host from working during a meeting. You were pretty much a kid. What seemed to work the most though was to give you his hand and you would just like quietly play with it. You thought you were already a couple so you had no problem holding his hand and sitting in his lap. While he had all sorts of doubt cause you never actually said anything you being your forgetful, naive and short attention span self. It wasn't until you were talking with Haruhi and she asked whether or not you two were together realizing he needed that clarification. You said 'Duh' which let Mori give out a sigh of relief and griping your hand. You realized why he sighed and gave him a lop sided smile while giving him an oops.


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