school edition - episode 6

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Minki : the house is very spacious waah!

Mina : ( on phone) Jiya where are you ?

Jiya : I am back of you!

Mina : huh! I was  worried...

Jiya : that I would die?

Mina : yaah ! ..

Minki : enough  of talking go and set your room !

Mina : yaah are you Hitler ?

Jiya : aaa..

Minki : what are you talking?

Mina : then why do you always get irritated ?

Minki : because you are annoying!

Hyun : Aaarg! Guys just stop i am hungry and we need to start our project .

Jiya : project ? What project ?

Mina : if you listen what the  project is about then you will feel very excited (sarcastically)

Jiya : really! What is it

hyun : we should write report!

 jiya : waah! report it will be very fun right?

minki : yess very fun that you would die on the  spot 

jiya : why every one of you are saying very sarcastically say me what the topic is !

mina : the topic is kidnap

 jiya : kidnap?

hyun : do you know today their was a kidnap of 18 years girl

jiya : yeah i have seen ...i think ...haa on tv then ?

minki : we need to write report about that!

jiya : what ? is teacher trying to kill us 

mina : same feeling .

minki : any ways i dreamt of becoming detective  it will be helping me to full fill my dreams

jiya : don't you think teacher itself is killer and trying to kill us by giving this project?

mina : yah! its giving me creeps shut it !

hyun : shall we start ! 

mina  : you  both are very excited about project we can understand but in group we have 6 members 

jiya : who are those other 2 members 

minki : ohh that shop girl and nari?

hyun : she is not nari she is naeyon!

mina : okay let me call her ! 

on phone call -

mina : jisoo where are you ?

jisoo : i said i am not interested to work in team i will be working alone okay bye [ she hungs ]

mina : yah! yah! aish! 


minki :  what did she say ? 

mina : she said she is not interested to work in team so she is going to work alone !

 jiya : how is she going to work alone is he mad ! its very dangerous .

minki : that nari or naeyon who ever it is ask her is she coming or not ? 

on phone call - 

mina : naeyon where are you? 

naeyon : i am at your house junction .

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