Chapter 22

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The sky is back to the original. Light with the Sun and spreading to the other places. Those four hallows are disappeared from the peoples seen. The hell gate is already closed and sealed tightly. But the hearts of the peoples on that ground are wrenching with the tears. Shen Wei and Yezhun are unconscious on the laps of Zhao Yunlan and Mr. Shen respectively.

Long Hun tried to breath his dragon breath to heal them, but only their wounded hearts are healed. They both are still laying unconscious. Even Zhao Yunlan can't wake them up right now using his healing energy. Bowl comes closer and tried his best to wake them up with his medicine power but still not avail. Both of them didn't respond to any of their friends as well as to Zhao Yunlan, Long Hun and Bowl.

''Weiwei, Yezhun!'' Mr. Shen called again with his crying.

''Uncle Shen, maybe we should bring them back to the Dragon City and let my uncle to check on them?'' Zhu suggested to Mr. Shen.

Mr. Shen nods agreed.

''I will follow you, uncle Shen!'' Zhao Yunlan suddenly requested.

Mr. Shen looks at Mr. Zhao that now replacing Bowl. Mr. Zhao just nods agreed to allow Zhao Yunlan to go to Mr. Shen's house for a while.

''Master Yunlan, please don't worry about the work at here. I will take care of those works. You just stay there and please help Shen Wei and Yezhun to wake up back,'' Guo said with assurance.

''You didn't want to live with me, Xiao Guo as my little brother? I live alone and I hope you can live with me,'' Chu asked to Guo.

Guo smiles.

''Chu ge, I want to live with you as your little brother. But not now, okay? Maybe after master Yunlan is back to here,'' Guo assured to Chu.

Chu nods understand.

''Well, Xiao Guo! Please don't worry. I will arrange you to work with Yunlan in the Dragon City. Yunlan has his own company at there. The branch of Zhao Corporation. So, you can stay there. Just give me time to arrange that, okay?'' Mr. Zhao said to Guo.

Guo nods as he knows about that new company branch in the Dragon City under the name of Zhao Yunlan.

''And you, Yunlan! I allowed you to stay with Mr. Shen for a while till I settle down all the thing in here, okay? Please call me with anything,'' Mr. Zhao allowed to Zhao Yunlan.

''Thanks, dad!'' Zhao Yunlan replied with his tears.

''But, uncle Shen... How will we get home now? My car and Yunlan's car were already damaged at the Buzou Mountain,'' Lin whined.

''And we have another people now... Long Hun,'' Da Qing added.

''And how about you, Da Qing if I go to the Dragon City?'' Zhao Yunlan asked to Da Qing.

''Supposedly, the pets will follow their master. So, me and Long Hun are supposedly following you, Yunlan. But with this situation now, I guess I need to stay here first together with Long Hun. So, we may stay with your dad for the meantime. When you are ready to live in your own house, we will follow you,'' Da Qing said.

Long Hun nods.

''Hun, you will not go back to your original place in your dragon form?'' Zhao Yunlan asked.

''I can't go back now, master. Buzou Mountain is already collapsed. I don't have a place now to live except with you. And I can shift to be a small dragon for sometimes to hibernate,'' Long Hun told.

''How small?'' Zhao Yunlan asked again.

''This small,'' Long Hun replied and he shifted to a small dragon with the size of Da Qing's cat.

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