Time skips galore

910 29 3

A year passed quickly my time at the academy came and went. I leveled up 5 times in that time and grew much stronger.

Name: James Simmons level 6
Timelord title: N/A

Story quest
Attend the academy (300exp)complete
Choose your timelord title (300exp)
Look up classes (400exp and a class) complete

300exp gained 300/10,000

I still hadnt selected a title but my intention was to wait till I actually looked into the untempered schism before I actually chose one an event that would actually be happening soon i believe I'm 11 and The Master went in at 9 in canon I believe so I should be soon

And he was in three days time James was taken before the Untempered Schism and he looked within it becoming a timelord, he would take upon the title of The Warrior and he would begin preparing for what he knew was to come.

The Time War.

Opening story mission complete
Fast forwarding 25 years Tardis Gained first form gained.
7 free stat points randomly allocated.

Name: James Simmons level 6
Timelord title: The Warrior

Name: James Simmons level 6Timelord title: The WarriorAge:36Hp:96Energy:82Strength:10Dexterity:10Constitution:10Intelligence:10Wisdom:(3+7)10Charisma:10Luck:10Points:0

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Tardis console room

Tardis console room

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First regeneration.

Preparations were difficult as there was much I needed to do years came and went as I rose through the ranks of the Timelords, a few old friends from the Academy became Renegade, The Doctor, The Master and The Rani all for different reasons, but for a long time I remained true to the rules of the timelord till i discovered something. Rassilon was not who many belived him to be, the man was worshipped on Gallifrey but he was a warmonger.

The files I found read about explained how he killed The Other and trapped The Omega so that he could rule and he did so, in the time of his rule he set into motion something that would doom us, he caused the genocide of the Dals, the spiritual ancestors of the Daleks, he then went on to set into motion the war between the Kaleds and the Thals all so he could set up an enemy for the timelords and a war we were to lose so he could ascend and become a godlike being without anyone wishing to stop him. With this knowledge in mind I too left my home and I sought out the 2 men who could possibly aid me in stopping this I just had to hope they wouldn't kill me first.

 With this knowledge in mind I too left my home and I sought out the 2 men who could possibly aid me in stopping this I just had to hope they wouldn't kill me first

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And The Master, I would have sought out the Doctor as well and I tried  but no matter what I did I could not find him

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And The Master, I would have sought out the Doctor as well and I tried but no matter what I did I could not find him.

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