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"Hi, I'm new here." You said shyly to the sweet brown haired boy in front of you.

"Hi, I'm Peter. Peter Parker. What's your name?" He asked.

"(Y/n). (Y/n)(l/n). Nice to meet you." You extended your hand to shake his.

"(Y/n). That's a pretty name. Just like you." He said, going red at once, as he shook your hand.

You giggled shyly, pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear.

Sometime later, your parents sat together with May and Ben at the lunch table, who had invited you all to lunch as you had newly shifted there. The grown ups chatted amongst themselves, while you and Peter ate your meals quickly and then headed to his room, where you talked for hours and hours.


(4 years later)

Peter knocked on your apartment door. His hands were behind his back, a single red rose in his hand. He didn't know how he was going to do this. Ned and May had given him pep talk and assured him that he would be able to do it. Well, here he was.

You opened the door, seeing your friend (and crush) of four years standing in front of you.

"Hey Peter, what's up?" You smiled brightly at him.

"I uh, um, have something to say to you. Ireallylikeyou." He uttered so fast, that you couldn't exactly catch up with what he was saying.

"Wait, what? Pete you are speaking too fast."

"I uh really like you. Like, like-like you. I probably shouldn't have said that, you won't feel the same way, but I thought you should know. It's ok if you just wanna be friends."

"Do you really mean that? Yo-you like me? As in more than friends?" You asked nervously, hoping that was what he meant.

"Yes, as more than friends kind of way. I'm sorry, I'm going to leave." With that, he turned around to walk away.

You grabbed hold of his hand before he could walk away, and pulled him in for a sweet kiss on the lips, which he returned in a few seconds when he realised what was happening.

"I uh, really like you too, Pete." You said shyly after pulling away from the kiss, blushing mad. Peter's face became red as well, who was way over the moon. He gave you the rose still in his hand, making you giggle with shyness.

"So, would you like to go on a date?"

"Yes Peter, I would love to."


Watching Peter dance so passionately and perfectly was a truly mesmerising sight. His stance, his posture, his whole glowing, happy face made you smile. The way his face lit up when any song played and his heart dancing to the beat perfectly made you a little jealous, wishing you had that talent. You were a total opposite. While he was a trained dancer and attended a very good dance school, you couldn't dance to save a life.

Nevertheless, he sometimes tried to teach you, which always ended up in tickle fights or just goofing around here and there. Or perhaps in make-out sessions on the floor, where someone was sure to walk in on you two and tease you endlessly after that, making both of you go red.


"Peter what's going on? This is the fifth time you've bailed on our date. Is something up?" You asked Peter when you entered his apartment one evening. May was at work, probably working an extra shift as she sometimes did.

His face was lowered, as of not wanting to look at you. He looked guilty, as if he had done something he shouldn't have, or he was about to do something wrong.

He did not want to do this. But what choice did he really have? Ever since the bite, his senses had been dialled to eleven. Not to mention how muscular and more handsome he had gotten. Becoming Spiderman meant he would encounter with different criminals and make some enemies.

If, god forbid, they ever found out that you were his girlfriend, they were sure to use you as bait and get their way with him. That would lead to an enormous amount of problems, not to mention what they would do to you. No, he couldn't risk anything happening to all the people he loved and cared about in his life, especially his first love, you.

Guaranteed, he could count on Mr Stark and the avengers so that nothing would ever happen to you, but the tension got better of him. Even if this was the most difficult and heart wrenching thing he ever had to do, it was for the best. Your safety was way more important.

Which led you back to the current situation, where he had forgotten to show up at the restaurant for your date because of his patrolling. He had come up with excuses before, but he decided enough was enough.

"I-I, I have something to say." He managed to say in a low voice.

"Peter, what is the matter? You know you can tell me anything, right? What is wrong, baby?" You asked him in a worrying tone.

He finally lifted his face up so that his eyes met yours. That was when you noticed a fading bruise around his upper eyelid.

Your hands flew to your mouth as you gasped in worry. "Peter, who did this to you?"

No answer.

"Peter I am asking you, who did this to you?" You asked again, your voice slightly raised.

"I was mugged, alright? Stop hounding me about this, it's just a bruise." He yelled at you. You were startled at his raised voice.

"Why do you need to raise your voice? I asked you a simple question, Peter."

"No I just-"

"No you listen to me, Peter Parker. What is happening to you? Why are you hiding things from me? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, we need to break up!" Peter said in a raised voice, but volume a little less louder than before.

You stood frozen in your spot, shocked. Break up? Coming from Peter? Something wasn't sounding right.

"I'm sorry, I don't know if I'm hearing right. Did you say..break up?" You managed to stutter out, your voice shaking more and more as you spoke. Tears now threatened to spill from your eyes any moment now.

"I'm really sorry, baby. It's not you, it's me." He began, trying to hold your arm. You shook yourself free from his grip.

"First, you won't tell me what is up with you. You are keeping secrets from me for goodness knows why. Then, you get angry over the fact that I'm concerned over your well being. Now you give me a stupid reason of 'it's not you, it's me'. Not even a proper explanation, Peter." You flared angrily. Your whole body was shaking as tears poured out in your face.

"(Y/n) please I can't do this anymore. I don't wanna fight." He pleaded, his voice shaking as tears poured from his eyes.

"You know what? If you want to break up so bad, so be it. Your wish is granted." With that, you stormed out of his apartment and ran off to yours. Ignoring your mum's calls, you shut off yourself in your bedroom and let out all your tears, choosing a playlist from your phone. The playlist began and as the lyrics played, you sank to the ground and brought your face to your knees, crying your sorrows away.

Let Me Move You (dancer! Peter Parker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now