The Meeting | 02

260 11 2

Aria Russo

"We'll take 2 more of these if you don't mind" Matteo smuggly said to our waiter. His mood seemed to be a lot more lifted compared to when we first arrived.

"Well looks like you sure are in a happier mood." I mentioned. He rolled his eyes but didn't comment on his previous behavior.

I glanced around and took note it was dawning on three in the afternoon when I noticed the scenery around me changed and people came and went, but my mind was more focused on keeping my self together considering I already downed four classic Bellini cocktails. Lord knows I couldn't handle my liquor. Meanwhile Matteo was nursing those drinks back like they were shots.

I looked over and engulfed myself in the beauty that lies in the vast oceans and the polished terrace homes, manicured flower beds, and serene mist of air that surrounded us. It was peaceful.

Thinking back I was quite sheltered growing up, my parents lived in a upscale area of New York overlooking Manhattan, I attended a private school and hardly ever had a glimpse of a calm lifestyle like this. We were constantly on the go being flung into extracurricular activities that would help "better" my younger brother and I.

"I'm never going back", I whispered in dolefulness as my face was practically swallowed in my hands soon after.

"Hey what's wrong? Don't tell me you're the sad type of drunk who cries and throws up all over the place because let me tell you here and now, I will not be listening to that sappy shit." Matteo stuffed another piece of bread in his mouth while trying to keep a serious face.

"How is it that you have a wide array of friends but you're this rude and annoying?" My lips fell into a flat line as the annoyance was now apparent on my face and the sadness was long gone.

"Well it's really quite simple...just look at me" If it was possible my eyes would've been on the floor by now with how hard I rolled them at his boastfulness, but I couldn't fight the smile that soon graced my face. He was really too much to handle but I'm thankful for him nonetheless.

"On a serious note relax mop head, you looked like you were about to have a heart attack, or worse, throw up on my clothes", He grinned while I frowned for a moment at his statement before waving it off as I was too tipsy and my anxiety was on a hundred, but I couldn't grasp why. My intuition has always been sharpened, but maybe the alcohol in my system was throwing me off.

"I'm going to go use the restroom I'll be back." I said before standing up and adjusting my skirt trying my hardest not to fall over and embarrass myself in front of all these people.

"Ok just don't shit up a storm ok hotcakes?", Matteo said aloud with an amused grin that had me looking back over my shoulder and narrowing my eyes at him.

"Anyone ever tell you that you have a real big mouth?", I asked with a raised eyebrow causing him to break out into an even shittier grin,

"That among some other things I won't mention", He winked causing my cheeks to heat up at the hidden innuendo he was teasing me with. This guy here. Clearing my throat I ignored his comment and walked away as I heard him chuckle behind me.

As I was nearing the bathroom I noticed a large group of men entering. It had to be around six, maybe eight of them. I walked slower to be nosy and see who was so damn important that they needed a whole entourage dressed up as if they're body guards. Maybe they were, that's why I needed to see. Nearing the corner next to the entrance getting ready to make a quick left I let out gasp and my jaw dropped.

A man walked between the rest of the men in the front, a cigar attached to his hand as he raised it up near his lips to inhale a puff. Tattoos could be seen plastered all over his hands. He practically shadowed the other men with how tall he was looming over them. It was almost as if everyone could feel his presence before he even presented himself in front of anyone.

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