Before Part 2

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(Sato's POV)

Cold that was the first thing I felt. I felt around for the blanket and then felt someone snuggle into my chest. I looked down at my baby and seen that he was shivering. I quickly grabbed the blanket off the floor putting it back on top of us so that it wouldn't wake the small boy. He's six today. I heard a knock on my door and climbed out of bed walking over to answer it. Standing at the door was Dabi. 

"Morning." I said smiling at the boy.

"Hey sorry I'm running a tad bit late is he still sleeping." Dabi responded waving at me with one hand running the other one on the back of his neck.

"Yea he's still out. I'm running late as well why don't you make yourself comfortable I'll go get Tiny Hero and then head out as long as you two aren't late to his party it's fine." I said walking back to my room.

(Shigaraki's POV) 

"Baby it's time to get up." Mommy's voice called out and I sat up looking at her. She was dressed for the day and I didn't really remember her telling me we had to do something today.

"What are we doing today?" I asked her as she helped me into a hoodie.

"I have a meeting this morning so you're gonna hang out with Dabi and he'll bring you to me when my meeting is over." Mommy said. Toki's here.

"Mommy why do you call him Dabi should I?" I asked her.

"With him he likes you to call him Toki where as he asked me to call him Dabi. So no continue calling him the nickname you gave him." She responded. I nodded sliding out of bed and running out of Mommy's room.

"Toki!" I called out when  I saw him. Running over to him. He was sitting one the couch and I noticed that he now had burns on his arms.

"Hey Shigaraki." He said smiling at me.

"When this happen?" I asked pointing at the scars on his arm.

"I got mad and used my power. I'm okay. The golden boy is starting to be too much for my mom and he doesn't get it." Toki said picking me up and setting me so that I was sitting next to him.

"Alright boys I'm headed out. Let me know if you need anything. Dabi you know where I am. Also here don't lose these." Mommy said to us before handing Toki my gloves. I put my hands out to have Toki put them on me.

"Sounds good. We'll see you at 1." Toki said waving at Mommy and then turning toward me.

"I'll have to switch hoodie's before we go." I said my hands still stretched out in his direction.

"Ok can you stop trying to touch me you don't have gloves on yet." Toki said.

"I know, you have my gloves aren't you gonna help me put them on?" I asked putting my hands in my lap. Toki thought I was trying to hurt him.

"Oh sorry I didn't think of that. Here put you're hands up again." Toki said and I raised my hands up but remained looking down. Trying my hardest not to let his words effect me. I know he doesn't always think before he speaks, but I want to impress him. To show him that I'm worthy of his time. I'm not some golden child that will take the attention away from him. I'd be nothing if it meant getting noticed by Toki.

"Thank you." I said after I realized that my gloves where on allowing my hands to fall into my lap.

"Are you hungry. I can help you with some food or something." Toki said to me.

"I'm a little hungry." I said.

"What do you like more ikura or uni?" Toki asked me standing up.

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