Fluff Alphabet (Headcanons) (Gender Neutral)

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It's been so long but nobody requested for this boy so I had no content for him :( However, today I'm here with the Fluff Alphabet for him! This will also most likely be the only post for Izuku for a while, because I have requests for other characters!

I hope you enjoy~

A - Affection (PDA, how do they act in public?)

Izuku tends to get flustered very easily, so PDA is not his favourite thing in the world. However, that's not saying he is completely against it! It will take some getting used to, but eventually, he'll be able to hold your hand and hug you without his face exploding into a blush. If you enjoy seeing him flustered, all you need to do is kiss him around your friends; he'll break down.

B - Beauty (What do they admire about their S/O?)

Personality wise, he admires your strength and resolve to become a hero. He loves that you're always willing to help somebody no matter the cost. (That also worries him but he can't really talk XD).

Physical traits, he loves your eyes. They were what caught his attention when he walked into Class 1-A on the first day, and they're what causes him to zone out to this day. He loves it when they're focused on him and him alone.

C - Comfort (How do they comfort their S/O?)

His go-to comfort method is calming words and affection. If he senses you're worried about something, depending on where you are, he'll either pull you into his arms or grab your hand, rubbing the back with his thumb. If you're upset about something, he doesn't care what the location is; the second he sees tears welling in your eyes, he's pulling you into his arms and mumbling words of praise and sweet nothings to you.

D - Dates (What are dates like with them?)

Since getting accepted into U.A., there hasn't been much time for you two to actually go out anywhere and have a proper date (those damned villains just keep attacking!). To make up for that, Izuku likes to have study dates with you! He'll either go to your dorm or you'll go to his and you two can spend quality time together while doing your homework or studying for an upcoming test (usually with some interruptions).

E - Entertainment (How do they spend their free time with their S/O?)

In his free time, Izuku likes to train so he can stay at the same skill level as the rest of your class. More often than not, he'll ask you to come and train with him. You two like to have mini bets going on (For example, if you win he'll buy you ice cream, but if he wins you have to give back his hoodies you stole!).

On days where he doesn't feel like training and you actually have permission to leave the dorm building, he'll take you to a cafe to get some food; this gives you two a chance to talk without your classmates overhearing. After the cafe, he'd enjoy just walking around with you in a park or something.

F - Fights (How are they while fighting? What's something unforgivable?)

Izkuku absolutely hates fighting with you. He never wants to hurt the people he loves, so he tries to avoid conflict as much as possible. However, fighting will always be inevitable. Most of your arguments revolve around his lack of self-care; this boy just doesn't know when to stop and take care of himself. When in an argument, everything stays civil and you two usually just talk things about.

To him, he could forgive you for almost anything. The only things he'd have a hard time forgiving you over would be cheating, defending/becoming a villain, or insulting people who are quirkless.

G - Gentle (Kind or rough?)

This boy is the living embodiment of a human puppy. He is the most gentle soul to ever live. Sometimes he even treats you as if you were a porcelain doll; he's very scared of hurting you. All you need to do is to reassure him he's not hurting you in any way and that you'll tell him if he does in order to snap him out of it.

Izuku Midoriya (Deku) x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now