Am I Losin' U

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Am I losin' u, or is it all in my head?
It'z lyk yo layin' rite next to me,
in an empty bed.

It'z all the thingz u don't say,
that let(s) me kno yo ready to drift away
witout the promise of returnin' 1 day.

Am I losin' u, or have u already left?
The absence of the love in yo presence
has left me distressed.

Have I done too much, or even too lil,
wat has made u uneasy,
Disabled to love lyk a cripple.

Am I losin' u? Yes I am!
The signz were there,
although I did not see.
Because I was obsessed wit findin' u,
in the process I lost me!

Lost the love I have for myself,
the pride nd respect,
which places me before anyone else.

I will not lose that love, no neva again
whether I change for worse or bettah.
I kno I can not stay the same,
because lyk before I met u nd after u leave
the only person that'll remain in the picture is me!

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