Chapter #2: I Think I'm In Love

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After pouring the orange drink into her glass, Isabella sits at the table next to a groggy Addison. Her hair, a rat's nest in itself, her pyjamas, as wrinkled as ever seen. Addison normally cared more about how she looked than eating. She even prepared herself before breakfast just for her family when they ate.

Isabella keeps sipping away at her orange juice before commenting, "Nice look you got there." Addison just chuckles a light little laugh and rest her head in the palm of her two hands.

"I was up all night last night trying to write the third chapter." She says with only her mouth showing. Ever since Addison was nine-years-old, she has always wanted to be a writer. She would spend hours preparing herself, though her stories were very childish and she needed to improve, it was quite impressive. Now that she is fifteen, she has improved and have moved onto love stories. "I'm tired as I'll ever be!" Isabella smiles at the sound of Addison's raspy voice.

Isabella invited Addison over the night before so they could talk a little about you know who ... Phineas, the most oblivious kid in the world, though is seemed. Addison is a beautiful young woman, her eyes flutter every time she gets a compliment from a man or the slightest touch, she doesn't even know it. She doesn't know she is beautiful, she's always hated her body and her blemishes, but Isabella think that its just what makes her ... her. She has the eyes that can make anyone fall for her, she's had over ten boyfriends, she always puts herself down when she tries on a dress or a new shirt.

Isabella smiles as she watches Addison stands from the table. "I'm going to get dressed!" She shouts back loudly as she runs towards the staircase. Isabella finishes her orange juice and drops it off in the sink before stopping by her mother's room on the second story.

"I'm going to Phineas and Ferb's, tell Addison." Her mother just nods at her as she forces herself out of bed. Isabella runs down the stairs, her eyes looking hopefully to what is ahead. Phineas just might realize, you think he would have by now. Isabella takes a step out the door as she inhales the clean and fresh air of the fresh summer morning. The birds can be heard and the grass so moist that she just wishes she could roll in it without drawing attention. The wind playing with her hair and jean skirt just enough to make her look enchanted.

She runs to the house in which two teenagers lay, with their pet platypus. Isabella pushes out the rough gate in front of her to see no one. Where's Phineas? Her mind asks her hopefully as if anyone would hear her and give her the answer that she wants to hear. She shrugs thoughtfully and turns back to her home. A little mini pool sitting in her backyard. "Hi, Isabella!" She hears a teenager say as he gets out of her pool. He is wearing a yellow t-shirt with a striped shirt underneath, going down to his elbows, his blue jean shorts, drooping to his knees. He turns to see the raven haired woman standing in utter shock.

"What were you doing in my pool!?" She says as if she were worried he'd catch a cold.

"I was trying to get to you through your bedroom window since you wouldn't answer your phone," he begins his exclamation, "I climbed up the tree and tossed acorns at your windows, you never answered. Then two squirrels attacked me." Poor boy, he only wanted to see his best friend. Phineas smiles as if it were the best thing he'd done in a long while. Isabella just holds back a laugh, leaving the boy with a confused look stuck on his face.

"Let's get you inside, no sense in you freezing to death." Isabella says as she pats the water soaked back of the young boy. It may get hot outside, but it's sort of chilly in the morning, due to the slight wind. She follows the boy as he enters the house. The first person he sees is the former Fireside girl, Addison Sweetwater. She waves as she keeps munching on her breakfast and watched some boring show that Phineas wouldn't possibly have an interest in. Not enough explosion or loud noises. "Hi, Addison."

Addison just quickly waves her off as she continues her drama packed show. Even Isabella wanted to barf at it. She just chuckles and takes Phineas upstairs to grab a towel from the bathroom. Addison's not fooled, she's known about Isabella's little crush on Phineas since she first met Isabella. All the girls know, Gretchen, Katie, Ginger, Molly, Holly, even Irving. He's just THAT creepy. He literally knows everything about Phineas, Ferb, and about everyone who's ever met them. Addison just shivers at it and continues to watch her show.

"There you go," Isabella says as she wraps a green towel around her best friend. The towel tickles Phineas' arms as her pulls it around. He smiles, indicating that he is content with it. Isabella loves his smile. It's so life filled and joyous that she just wishes everyone could be like that, after getting attacked by a squirrel, falling into a pool, and all that happening in regular clothes would feel like hell to anyone, but Phineas. He just laughs at it and carries on. He could walk around with a pink dress and feel proud of it. That's the man Isabella wants. 

She just smiles back at him and leads him to her room. When he sits down, he looks out the window. "Wait a second ..." Phineas says loud and clear so Isabella could hear through the closing of her door. "There's no tree in front of your window." He frowns and confusion creeps over him. "Who's window was I throwing acorns at?"

Isabella shouts out laughing as she realizes that Phineas was throwing acorns at the guest room, which is temporally Addison's room. "Wow, Phineas!" She says with a happy go lucky grin plastered to her face as Phineas just laughs along with her. He can even laugh at his own embarrassing moments, this is the boy for Isabella.

She picks up a notebook and sits at her desk across the room from her bed. Her raven colored hair being pulled up into a nice and tight ponytail flowing down her back, all the way down to the bottom on her jean skirt. Phineas could help but stare in awe at how beautiful she looked, even though he is currently staring at her the back. It compliments his pink, ruffled shirt perfectly. He smiles that grin of his and then just thinks. I was going to tell Isabella what I wanted to do today. But what was it? I forgot, it'll come to me later. His mind echoes at him as he just keeps staring at the beautiful young lady before him.

"What'cha doin?" He asks with light chuckle in his voice, also earning one from Isabella. She smiles and answers that she is just doodling. "I forgot what I wanted to do today. I bet it was something big, though." He comments as she turns around, just to show off more of her beauty to him. Her messy, in a good way,  morning hair cups her rosy cheeks perfectly and her blue eyes shine like the moon on one side and the sun on the other. She looks absolutely beautiful, almost like she was trying to pull him in. It sure is working, but he can't tell her that, it could possibly ruin the friendship he had worked to bring together. They've know each other since they were eight, but he's never felt this way.

"Isabella, since I can't remember what I was going to do today, want to go to the park with me?" Phineas asks with that nervous voice of his. What if she says no? What if she laughs in his face. In Phineas' mind, he's always been a loser in the mind of Isabella, though that's not the case. In Isabella head, Phineas is her hero, he's there when she falls, he's there when she needs a shoulder to cry on, he once even cancelled his entire project just to care for her when she was sick and in pain. That's who he is, it's a different story in Phineas' head. To him, she's his world, her voice ringing into him everyday, the way she will go out of her way to make sure he's having as much fun as possible every single day. She even would listen to his most boring stories. Phineas has a tendency to ramble, and Isabella acts as if she is charmed by it.

Phineas sees himself as the boy who is always getting in her way, he's accidentally stepped on her foot before, he once nearly killed her when the tower tried to expire the air, he kept a secret from her when he was the Beak. Even if he was trying to protect her, it was wrong, but Isabella didn't care once she heard his reason. She was actually very flattered by it. "I'd love to, nothing else to do around her but doodle and junk."

"Great!" He shouted jumping from under his towel. His hair still damp and his shirt still wrinkled, he grabs her wrist and pulls her for the door and then the stairs. He just could not wait to go on some walk with Isabella. He adores her, her hair playfully dancing with the wind as she steps under the sunshine. It bounces off the top of her head, making her look irresistible. This is going to be an eventful day.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2012 ⏰

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