Episode 1 Part One

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Madeline was a orphan who was under the care of her aunt, Clara. Clara was also a teacher called clavel-sensei. Madeline was going to the school she taught at, and was excited.

She was told their was an apartment near it, and she would live with eleven other girls!
As the train stopped, madeline got on it, and sat down. She saw a brunette girl wearing the same uniform has her, and she was sitting near a person, who she assumed to be her grandmother, but madeline thought nothing of it. 3 minutes later, it stopped, and madeline went on the platform with her suitcase. She then walked on, to the apartment she was staying in. However, the brunette and her grandmother walked next to her.

Can you keep my darling Danielle company until her friend chloe comes? Asked her grandmother. See you in a couple of months, remember, I have your doll in there, to help you remember me by.

Granny, I will miss you... Goodbye!..
Goodbye! I will miss you dear! Remember to text me everyday if you have worries!
And her grandmother boarded the train again.

*sniff...* hello... My name is Danielle... But you can just call me Danie....

I'm madeline! I am really ta- but she looked up at Danielle, and she discovered she wasn't as tall as she thought she was.

Your so tiny! No offence, did I offend you? I'm so sorry, I will never be rude to you ever again! Danielle said to madeline, And she then broke down in tears.
It's okay danielle! I you did not offend you, but then a carrot-nett girl ran over to them.

You must be chloe! Said madeline. Daneilles grandmother mentioned you!

Yes I am! Let's just say, I really like reading.
I can see Danielle crying! What happened? Asked chloe.

She thought she offended me! she fell to the ground and started crying!

It's ok, Danielle-Chan, everybody makes mistakes! See, madelines ok!

Danielle stopped crying, and looked up.
Thats my best friend, chloe. She's a bookworm, but also very motherly.

Chloe then nodded. Let's go to the apartment, or we will be late!

OK! Yelled both danielle and madeline, and the three of them walked out of the station. Some other girls also followed, and they came to the entrance to the apartment.

Note: well, that took forever, I hate it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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