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Please leave comments my loves. Here's something for you all I just felt pressured to update alot. 🥰

November 14
Los Angeles

November 14Los Angeles

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"Ughhh, oh my god. Chrissssss." groaned getting agitated with this long ass ride.

"What yo crybaby ass want now?" He chuckled.

"Where are you takin' us?" This damn blindfold is irritating.

"Out." I could feel him smirking by the way he responded.

"Obviously, but where?" Not to mention this damn cloth he has around my hands.

"Stop being nosey. If I told you everything it wouldn't be a surprise."

"Fuck you mean? Yo ass got me in a passengers seat helpless. I'm fuckin' tied up and I can't see shit. You might be tryna take me outta my misery" I complained feeling the urge to slap him but I couldn't.

"I'm not gon kill you and you know this. But in a second I'm gone fuckin' put sumthin in yo mouth for you to shut up." Chris put his finger against my mouth.

"I wonder wat might that be. I hope it's sum goddamn food." I huffed.

"Nah, it's gon satisfy yo taste though." He chuckled, I heard him fiddling with his pants.

"Ugh. Nasty ass." I scoffed resting my head on the window.

"Okay, fine. What you want Keyshia?" He sucked his teeth.

"I want to see how sexy you look zaddy." I said seductively.

"Aye! Don't start that freaky shit." He pushed me back as I leaned over to kiss his neck.

"What are you talkin' bout? I just told you, if I wanted to fuck we woulda stayed at da house." I responded in annoyance.

How dare he curve me like that? Bitch I look good.

"Oh, really. Well, sit back and be cool." He patted my thigh.

"Don't fuckin' touch me bitch." I couldn't really make any sudden movements with my hands so I just gave him a middle finger.

"Bro, fuck is yo problem. We was just cool 5 minutes ago."  He huffed, sounding agitated.

"I'm ready to eaaaattt! You have me fasting, I've been in this car for an hour, blindfolded, and tied up. Come on Chris." I pouted.

"Shut the hell up. You wouldn't have no problem if you was in my bed tied up so what's the issue?" He growled slapping my thigh.

I softly tried to rub my thigh as good as I could considering my hands were tied together. Chris's last comment lead to complete silence, I didn't have a comeback  because what he said was indeed true.

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