Chapter 6: First Day Of Work

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Shinso left the apartment a few hours after my mass performance of instruments. He made us dinner and ate with us before he kissed Kaminari goodbye and promised his boyfriend that he would return the next day after they both finished work. Watching the two boys interact made me miss Momo.

I sat in the living room with Kaminari for another hour before we both bid each other goodnight and decided to retreat to our bedrooms. "Good night, Jiro," Kaminari called as he entered his room. I got the briefest glimpse of boxes piled upon one another before he closed the door.

"Good Night," I replied quietly as I slipped into my room and fell unceremoniously onto my bed.

I looked around my room and let out a disgruntled huff. My instruments were all over the place since I didn't return them to their proper places. Sighing through my nose, I reluctantly stood up from my bed and went about restoring the order of my instruments. I hung my guitar and bass up on the wall alongside my other guitar and bass. I pushed my drum kit into the corner of the room, I was sure to leave enough space so that I could get behind it and still play. Both violin and flute were placed on the chest at the end of my bed. Finally, I placed my keyboard against the window and was done with putting my instruments in their correct places.

Just as I was settling down to put something on the TV in my room, my phone started ringing. I quickly scooped it up, hoping that the person calling would be Momo. I felt myself deflate slightly when I saw that it was actually my mum calling. No doubt calling to ask how moving in went. Even if I wished it was Momo, I was still happy that my mum was calling.

"Kyoka! How are you settling in? Is your roommate nice?" My mother's voice squealed before I even had the chance to say anything.

"Hi to you too mum. I'm good. My roommate is really nice. His boyfriend was here for most of the day today, he was nice as well." I chuckled.

"That's amazing. Aww, look at my little girl all grown up. Your father and I are so proud of you, sweetheart." My mum gushed.

"I know mum," I replied with a fake fed up sigh.

"Are you excited about your official first day of work tomorrow? You'll most likely get to record some of the songs you haven't got the chance to yet." my mum inquired.

"Yeah. I'm really excited. Especially since I'll be working with Yamada-san." I smiled just at the thought of getting to work with one of the best in the business.

"Good. Good. I expect you'll want to talk to Momo so I'll stop taking up your time. Don't forget to call us, ok my little music bird." My mum teased.

"Mum! I told you not to call me that!" I laughed, my face painted scarlet at the stupid nickname my parents had given me as a child.

My mother and I said our goodbyes before I hung up the phone and let my head fall back. My TV played in the background as I slowly peeled my head off of my headboard and looked down at my phone.

I scrolled through my very few contacts until I came across Momo's name. I didn't hesitate for a second before pressing the call button and holding my phone up to my ear, desperate to hear the smooth and silky voice of my girlfriend.

"Momo?" I asked in an excited voice.

"Of course, Sweetheart, who else would it be?" Momo chuckled slightly. I smiled up at my ceiling. Just hearing her voice was enough for any and all worries which plagued me to be washed away.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"It was really good. The lectures were just introductory lectures. We'll start actually learning things tomorrow. I'll be really busy from now on, but I promise I'll try to call you every night or at least text you." Momo sighed in a worried voice. My smile turned into a slightly sad one at the reminder that we would both be extremely busy.

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