Chapter 11: Rocketing To The Top

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My eyesight swam and my head pounded as I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. To my surprise, I was in my own bedroom, lying comfortably on top of my duvet cover. I looked around at a snail's pace, conscious of my spinning head. Thankfully, my drunk self must have had the forethought to close the curtains the night before, the opaque black material bared any and all light from entering the room. Sluggishly, I sat up and rubbed my face. Every movement I made was deliberate and lazy, despite seemingly having been knocked out for 10 hours, I was exhausted. I felt absolutely hideous.

With almost robotic movements, I pushed myself off of my bed and started stumbling towards the door of my room. I wanted to curse my previous self for drinking so much, but I really couldn't fault her when we were celebrating the release of mine and Denki's first albums. If there was ever a situation to get shit faced, that seemed like a perfect time.

As soon as I took a step outside of my bedroom, I damn near tripped over the sprawled body of Sero. His shirt was open, chest out for all the world to see, and he had a roll of toilet paper wrapped around his head. How that happened was beyond me. Carefully, I stepped around the male's body and walked towards the kitchen to get some water and something to alleviate my pounding headache.

On my journey to the kitchen, I realised that we must have come home from the club to continue the party in the apartment. Several empty bottles of alcohol littered the floor, the furniture was ever so slightly out of place and there was a Twister mat on the floor. On this Twister mat, Kirishima and Mina were sprawled together, their limbs tangled together so tightly that I doubted they would be able to pull away from each other. Mina's dress was hiked up almost indecently, just barely covering her underwear. Kirishima's shirt was not on his torso, instead, it was in the fridge, which I discovered when I opened it to get a bottle of cold water.

As I drank my water in the kitchen, I observed the rest of the scene laid out in front of me. A familiar yellow tie was on Denki's door handle, a universal sign that he and Shinso would be busy together. I rolled my eyes at this, it didn't surprise me in the slightest. Whenever we drank together, the two of them would always get a bit too touchy-feely to be considered suitable for the public eye.

The only person missing was Bakugo. As my eyes surveyed the living area, I couldn't see even a glimpse of blond hair. I shrugged, assuming that, unlike the others, he had gone to his own house instead of Denki's and mine. Oh, how mistaken I was.

Drinking excessive alcohol always made me need the toilet quite frequently the day after. I guess it's my body ridding itself of the toxic shit I had ingested the previous day. After finishing my water, my bladder was practically bursting. I felt like I was going to pee myself. With crossed legs, I waddled to the toilet, expecting to be able to just go with no issues. Of course, nothing could be that easy.

As soon as I opened my bathroom door, the answer to the whereabouts of Bakugo was answered. I covered my mouth to muffle the squeak of shock which passed my lips. Sprawled in my bathtub, head lolling over the side, was one Katsuki Bakugo. All of Bakugo's clothes, aside from his underwear, were thrown into the corner carelessly. Unlike when he was awake, Bakugo looked close to peaceful in his sleep. Sure there was still a slight furrow in his eyebrows and his lips were turned down into a scowl, but he didn't look anywhere near as angry as he usually did. It was only after a few seconds of standing in the doorway did that smell hit me. I gaged at the scent of vomit. Upon smelling the putrid scent, I looked closer at Bakugo's clothes and the state of my bathroom. His clothes were practically covered in the stuff, as was my toilet.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I shrieked only to immediately regret it when my head began to spin and I had to lean on the door frame.

"SHIT!" Bakugo barked as he jerked up in the bathtub and cradled his head in his hands. He groaned in pain and glared at me through his fingers. I felt guilt swarm my chest and infect my mind. It wasn't exactly cordial of me to shout at the top of my lungs when I knew that we were both suffering from hangovers.

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