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...(The morning after)

Narrator's Pov

Hwanwoong's eyes fluttered open and Youngjo was just laying there, one arm under Woong's neck and the other still draped over his torso. The dancer's heart did back-flips as he snuggled into Youngjo's bare chest, recalling everything. "Mmh~ You're awake.." Youngjo purred happily in a husky, sleepy tone as he leaned down slightly to kiss the top of Woong's head. The arm that was draped over Woong's torso was now tight around him pulling his body close and making him blush.

Hwanwoong just continued to hide his face in Youngjo's chest and listen to his heartbeat. "Hyung.. Can you tell me you love me again?" He gushed, feeling his cheeks redden against Youngjo's chest. "I love you Hwanwoong." Youngjo hummed, starting to rub small, soothing circles on Woong's back with his thumb. "I love you too.." Woong said with his face still buried in Youngjo's chest. His skin was so warm and his heartbeat was soothing.

Youngjo lifted his head to check the time, and it was already about time to get ready to go to work. "It's time to get up Woong-ie.." The elder hummed as he reached up to play with Woong's soft hair. Hwanwoong shuffled out of his Hyung's chest and made a small groan. "I know baby boy~ I wish I could stay in bed with you all day, but we gotta go." Youngjo half chuckled, pulling Woong into one last hug before they got up.

Hwanwoong got up off the bed and stretched like it was nothing. "Are you okay baby? No pain?" Youngjo hummed as he came up in front of Woong, wrapping his arms around him to grope and massage his butt. Woong blushed a bright red as he averted his eyes, shaking his head no. "Hey what's there to be embarrassed about?.. I've seen and touched just about everything haven't I?" The elder smirked with a loving gaze.

"Still-- Y-you... you make me nervous." Woong pouted, embarrassed by his uncontrollable reactions. "Nervous? Is that bad?" Youngjo asked with a small pout. "N-no..." Woong trailed off making Youngjo smile again. He leaned down to Woong's ear and let out a small hum, "Good."

Chills rippled through Woong's body, leaving goosebumps. "Youngjo-ah~ Woong-ie~ You guys up? I've got breakfast~" Geonhak practically sang through the door. "Come in~" Youngjo sang back as he slipped away from Hwanwoong. The baritoned rapper stepped in, setting two plates on one of the nightstands. "Eat up and get ready." Geonhak smiled as he waved himself off.

The smell of Hotteok now filled the room as the two grabbed their plates and sat on the bed to eat. When they were done they got dressed and made their way down the hall. Just about everyone was ready so they took off to go to the studio. During the car ride, Youngjo got an idea. Maybe he and Woong could go on a low-key date. Just walk down the street so they could get some ice cream.

So he decided to talk to the manager about it. "Hey Manager Hyung, do you think I could take Woong out to the ice cream shop down the street after work?" Youngjo proposed quietly and Manager Hyung thought for a second. "I'd feel better if I went with you, I can just drop you off and wait outside." The manager smiled back nervously. "That's fine.. probably for the better." Youngjo half-chuckled.

"It's a date then." Manager Hyung smiled as he pulled into the studio. 'Yeah, just being able to call it a date would be enough for me.' The members filed into the building and made their way to the room they normally practice in. "Well, let's get to work." Hwanwoong grinned as he plugged in his phone and started to play music. They got through maybe seven songs before the door busted wide open. Everyone stopped and looked over at the door to reveal (ofc) Hwayoung with her manager behind her.

Youngjo looked over at Woong and his heart broke a little from looking at his face. The elder sighed, walking over and scooping Hwanwoong up into a hug. "I love you.. I don't know when I'll be back but I'll try to make it soon. Please don't frown." Youngjo sighed softly and they both smiled softly at each other. "I love you too Hyung-ah." Woong whispered back, hugging Youngjo tightly.

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