Chapter 1: Lost

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It's been so long.

Is anyone gonna come back for me?

Did they forget about me?

Buzzy sat alone in the old Cranium Command theater, just like he'd been doing for the past ten years. Nothing was out of place from the day it was closed. It was all left to rot, with nothing new but dust. He was left to rot. The boy's eyelids drooped, the pain of isolation weighing him down.

"Buzzy? You're... still here?" A voice called from the darkness.

"M...Mr. Ghost Host?" Buzzy's voice, unused for so long, was little more than a whisper. He peeked around, his joints stiff. Sure enough, there was the Host, poking his softly glowing head through the closed doors. Buzzy smiled faintly.

The Ghost Host strode through the theater, phasing through rows of chairs and floating up to the platform where Buzzy sat. "I was just passing through for old times' sake, and I figured I'd take another look at the old place. I thought they'd relocated you to the archives! You poor thing..." He traced a line in the dust with his finger. "It's been so long, hasn't it?"

"Yeah," Buzzy rasped. A single tear cut through the grime on his cheeks. "I miss everyone..."

"Buzzy..." the Host sighed. "I... I think it's time to let go."


"I know how it must feel... this is your home, after all, but... You're fading. I can see you don't have much time left. Just let go, Buzzy. They aren't coming back."

More tears streaked down the boy's face. He gazed around the room which housed him for so many years, which was now covered in dust and decay. The Ghost Host was right; nobody was coming back. There was nothing left but urban explorers and crushing silence.


Buzzy let out one final sigh. He could feel his soul lift from its animatronic prison, the heaviness of the world around him fading away. The room around him became clearer, dusted in shades of otherworldly blue. He lifted his hands from his chair, watching the new, blue-toned ones part from the physical remnants of himself. He cast one more pained look at his abandoned body, dulled by time, yet still as youthful as ever.

The Ghost Host smiled wistfully. He offered his hand to the newly formed spirit.

"Come on, Buzzy. Let's go home."

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