Chapter 2: Found

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The door to the Cranium Command theater creaked open. Flashlight in hand, Figment stuck his head through. He briefly scanned the room, shining his light over to the main stage where Buzzy was seated. Figment grinned, pushing the door open and bounding over.

"Hey buddy, just came to check on ya! Figured you were getting lonely, ya know?" He said with a smile. Carefully trying not to disturb anything, Figment half-climbed, half-flew up the dusty mechanisms and set pieces. His friend was sitting slumped in his chair- probably just taking a nap, he thought.

"Psst, hey, wake up! It's me, Figment!" He tapped Buzzy on the shoulder, then shook him a little, kicking up a cloud of dust in the process. He coughed, waving it away to see his friend still sleeping. "Come on, buddy, wake up!" The boy's hat had fallen over his eyes, and Figment tilted it up, revealing his half-closed eyelids. That was normal, he thought; Buzzy's eye mechanisms had been off even before the show closed. Though, something felt off...


Figment's wings drooped at his sides. Reality had started to set in, and it was a familiar situation for him. He'd seen it before, when him and Dreamfinder had gotten kicked out. Dreamfinder was devastated, his spirit becoming dimmer and dimmer every day, until one day he went to sleep and just... didn't wake up. Tears began to form in the little dragon's eyes, his flashlight illuminating Buzzy's dulled face. There was a single line in the dust on his cheeks.

"No, no... Not you too..."

Figment's sobs broke the utter silence of the room. He let his flashlight fall to the floor below and wrapped his arms around Buzzy's lifeless body. He buried his face in the boy's jacket and cried.

"Please... Please wake up..."

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