District 7 (Ranger's Apprentice)

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Fifty-two green jackets, carefully stained with just the right shades of brown and grey, dotted the crowd of District 7. The Peacekeepers either didn't notice them or didn't know how easily the "random" pattern of stains could blend into the forest. The Rangers preferred it that way. It was safer. Their leader, Halt, made his way to the stage. Mayor King frowned at his grizzled appearance. Halt didn't believe in dressing up for the Capital. In fact, Will was pretty sure he dressed down.
The protective camouflage of the trees waited just outside the dingy square in front of the Justice Building. Will itched to be out under the safety of the green leaves with Halt and Tug.
"Steady," Horace muttered.
Will glared at him. "That's what I tell Tug," he said frostily.
Horace shrugged. "Good advice then."
Zizi Buffet finished the interminable speech about the Capital and the Dark Days. Will wished he'd been around for those. They'd see how smug the Capital was with a couple of his arrows in their faces.
"First, the gentlemen." She picked her way over to the glass bowl.
"Best of odds," Will muttered to Horace.
"Best of odds."
"Will Treaty," Zizi announced.
The color drained from Halt's face. Will started to walk forward dazedly.
Behind him, Horace had been gathering his courage. "I - "
Before he could finish, Will spun. The strikers leaped out of his pocket. He swung them forward. Horace collapsed to the pavement.
Sorry, Horace. I'm not going to let you die for me. He made his way to the stage and looked out over the crowd. Mutinous grumbling rolled from the crowd, There was Gilan, looking furious. There was Crowley, hand moving to where his throwing knives were concealed. Alyss's hands were clasped over her mouth. Will was popular, and the Rangers looked after their own. Against the Capital though, what could anyone do?
"Now for the ladies. Dum, dum, de dum . . . Cassandra King."
Will choked. Alyss screamed. Cassandra made her way forward, her carefully styled blonde hair bobbing in the breeze. She was the mayor's daughter. She should have been totally safe.
Sometimes even the best of odds weren't good enough.

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