District 13

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The Peacekeepers filed out into District 13. Obi-Wan Kenobi was waiting for them. "This is not the district you're looking for," he said, waving his hand.
The Head Peacekeeper turned around. "Sorry, men. We've landed in the wrong district. Get back in the hovercraft."
Luke walked up behind him and watched as it flew away. "It must be fun to fly one of those."
"Don't even think about it."
"I won't. Dad says it's my shift to turn away Peacekeepers. Oh, and you're invited to dinner. Again."
"Padme's cooking, not Leia, right?"
"After the fiasco with the lightsaber and the turkey? Leia's not even allowed into the kitchen."
"Excellent. I'll go tell Anakin I'll be there." Satisfied that the youngest Skywalker had things well in hand, Obi-Wan walked away.

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