Art tag?

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Guess I have to do this now.
I was tagged by TheDragonsFriend

Scale of 1-10 how good do you think your art is?

Uhh I guess a 5...? It's not the best art compared to so many people, but it's not stick figures you know?

Digital or Traditional art?

Honestly can't choose one I love both with a passion.

If digital what program?

Piskel for my pixel art and adobe draw for others

What's your best drawing in your opinion?

What's your best drawing in your opinion?

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This is my fav in adobe draw

This is my fav in adobe draw

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Favorite piskel

This is SUPER old but I still liked it! Man I was edgier back then, making  twister go evil and burn stuff

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This is SUPER old but I still liked it! Man I was edgier back then, making  twister go evil and burn stuff. Still I was always kinda proud of it

What do you prefer to draw?

Hybrids mostly. I like humans with animal ears and tails.

Do you prefer original or fandom?

Can't choose

When you see an artist that is bette then  you(haha everyone) do you take notes or cry?

Well seeing as everyone is better then me I cry internally usually but then it inspires me to do better. Usually that doesn't work tho

What I sprinted your current art style?


Basic thought progress when making Ocs

Thought who what nowz?

Do you suffer low self esteem?

Haha what do you think? I tear up every time I look in a mirror and if I don't like my art I just rip it up and throw it away.

Where do you usually post your art?

Here and Discord. No where else I think

If someone started being mean to your art, how would you react?

I WOULDD ROAS- just kidding I would probably cry and become unmotivated. Because I'm unfortunately very sensitive... good thing no one does and I have a good community of friends

What's the best advice to give beginner artist?

Uh just keep trying. Your gonna cry a lot probably, but don't become unmotivated because you will get better eventually. Don't stay with one art style and keep trying to change it up. It's more to find new designs that inspire you.

Tags? No

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