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Now, Dad was telling me he was going to Minnesota again.

"So, what plans do you have for me?" I asked him.

"Oh, I have a plan for all of you." he replied.

"What do you mean 'all of us'"?

"Your cousins are arriving, and then, two days after I have leave for US, you guys will board a flight, and go somewhere I planned."

"What do you mean?"

"I, Kia and Sankalp planned a trip for you kids."

"So, like, abroad?"

"Yes. Plus, this trip is important."


"Well, because you and your cousins have been working so hard, you guys deserve a treat."

Man, I was over the moon. A week with just my cousins abroad? I couldn't have asked for anything better. I had never been out of India. So, naturally, I was thrilled. "Where are we going?" I asked Dad.

"You'll see." he replied.

When I broke the news to Dev, he instantly guessed, "So, you are going to US?"

"I don't know. He just won't tell me. I asked him, he kept saying its a surprise." I said. 

We left the class, and came out of the school. Dev unlocked his bicycle. "Go then, have fun, wherever you are going. I wish I could go somewhere in the vacations too."

And, he left. I stood there, preparing to take a quiet walk back home. Dev would never be happy with me going abroad. He is like that, the jealous kind. Constantly comparing his life to others'. But he's my only friend because he is the only one who actually is nice to me in this school. The rest of the kids are like, 'meh!' I hate that kind of an attitude, and hence I don't bother talking to people with such attitude. And remember I told you, that I was chilling with my friends during my birthday? Dev was the only one who was invited. Still, he wasn't that close to me, mentally. I couldn't share my deepest emotions with him, like I could to my cousins. It is weird how some people can be so close to you despite being 1700 kilometres apart.

That evening, Dad came home late, but he didn't come alone. He had left office early, and picked my cousins up at the airport. I screamed, looking at them. "I had no idea they were coming today! None of you told me." I asked.

"Well, Uncle had another surprise planned. Nice, right?" Riya told me. 

Riya and Hiya, daughters of Aunt Kia (rhythmic names). Riya was twelve days older to me. She was on the healthier side, but was very swift and agile. She had blue eyes, black hair, and that day, she wore a green T-shirt and jeans. She had a rucksack on her back. Her sister, Hiya, was very similar to her, with blue eyes, black hair, the healthy stature and the agility. The only differences were: while Riya was a fun loving girl, Hiya was much quieter; Hiya was two years younger to me. She wore a red colored BTS T-shirt, and trousers. The two gave me a big grin, and then tackled me with a hug together.

I looked at the other two. Avik, the eldest of us, our 'Dadai' (elder brother), winked at me. Abhro grinned at me and said, "Wasssssuuuuuup?" He has been doing this ever since he watched Antman and the Wasp. Dadai was wearing a blue checked shirt and jeans. His eyes were blue too. Lets face it, all my cousins had blue eyes. I, however, had brown eyes. Abhro was wearing a white Captain America T-shirt and and black jeans. Though the two had black hair like Uncle Sankalp, they got their milky fair skin tone from their mother. Both had blue eyes. Dadai would always have a dreamy look on his face. He loved watching romantic movies and reads a lot of romantic novels. He is a fan of 2 States, and hates Fault In Our Stars. He even hates Titanic. He simply despises tragic ends. Abhro, however, is the exact reverse. He loves tragic ends. He hates every romantic movie or novel Dadai likes, and likes those which Dadai hates. They looked at me with a sense of affection, and I opened my arms. They gave me another bear hug.

That night, Dad got ready to go to the airport. He wore a business suit, with a grey coat, tie and pants, his black hair properly combed, his specs making his brown eyes shine. He hung his laptop bag by his shoulder, while I put his luggage, which was just one bag, in the car. Then, all five of us accompanied him to the airport.

We reached the airport at 11:30. Dad's flight was one and a half hours later. He looked at us and said, "I am leaving all five of you alone. Please, don't destroy the house in these two days. I have kept all your documents in separate packages. Pick them up before leaving. And..."

"Dad, Dad" I chuckled, "Calm down, we'll be alright."

He gave all of us a hug, and said, "Goodbye, kids. I'll see you soon."

"Absolutely!" Hiya said.

"Bye, Dad." I said, as he left with his bag.

Dadai drove us home. We slept that night. The fun could start the morning after. But my cousins needed rest. Dadai and Abhro took Dad's room. Riya and Hiya took the guests' room. And I, went back to my room, my kingdom. 

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