Chapter 20

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Hoseok grinned at Jimin. "I can't describe it to you in words, or what I am feeling. I am flying and free falling at the same time."

Jimin cocked his head. "That sounds like the way I would describe it, you really are a boy in love."

"Look at you Jimin, you are very punny these days."

Jimin threw Hoseok with a pillow. "And you have become cocky since you are 'dating' or aren't you dating yet?"

Hoseok placed the pillow in his lap. "I..." He went quiet thinking. "I guess we aren't dating yet, we are only starting this new relationship."

Jimin nodded. "Yeah, I guess it is safer in a way, Hobi you know the press will have a field day with her."

"That is why I haven't told her the truth."

"I understand, but I will say it again. You are playing a dangerous game Hobi."

Hoseok went quiet.

"I am not discouraging you, I am on your side."

Hoseok smiled. "You might be the only one."

Jimin went to sit next Hoseok. "Hobi, if she makes you happy fight for it."

Hoseok playfully knocked his shoulder with his.

"Thank you for the encouragement Jimin, let's get some sleep we have a busy two days ahead of us."

Jimin nodded. "Agreed, let's not anger Joonie anymore than he already is."

Hoseok let out a sigh. "Don't get me started on Namjoon, at least he can't stop me from messaging Aya."

Jimin moved to his bed. "Well, you just shouldn't get caught while texting her."

"Oooh, Jimmy I am turning you into a sneak."

Jimin laughed. "On the contrary, Hobi. I am teaching you."

Hoseok doubled over. "Thank you Jimin, I feel better."

"I am glad, Hobi. Well, good night."

"Good night."

Aya was placing her last laundry away when she heard her phone beeping.

She opened her phone.

"It burdens my heart that I won't be able to say good-bye before departing, I will miss you for this month we are apart."

A smile tugged at her lips. She knew the relationship was still brand new and they aren't officially dating...yet.

"I will miss you, as you have said we can text every day or when you have time. When does your plane leave?"

She put her phone down, she jumped in the shower reflecting on how the day went. She really enjoyed Hoseok's company, he really listened to her without judging and made her feel that she was stronger than she felt.

She got out of the shower, she got dressed and climbed in bed. She opened her phone, no new message.

She opened her browser, she had to look for another job. While she was searching, a message popped up.

"Yes, I don't think there would be a second which I won't think about you. My plane leaves at 7 am on Monday."

"Hoseok, you are making me blush. That is very early."

"You are cute when you blush, Aya."

"I can see you love teasing me, even though you are not here."

"I am always there with you, no matter how far I am."

Aya stared at her phone screen. Does he feel the connection as deep as she does?

"Hoseok, I have a question."

"Ask away."

Starcrossed( A J-Hope Fanfic) (under construction.)Where stories live. Discover now