Chapter 10: Sadistic sister

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As Shiro was running to the middle of the village she encountered children running and hiding from the soldiers.

"This is worst than I thought, I should ask where the town hall is." Shiro thoughts to herself. She grabbed a black and purple coloured hood in her dimensional bag and wore it.

"Wow I usually use this if I'll go to the nearest town but this is helpful to hide my face." Shiro Said in her head. She finished wearing the hood and saw a girl that was about the same age before she died in her previous life and got near her.

"D-don't come n-near me" the girl said out of fear.

"It's okay I won't hurt you I just need to know where your town hall are?" Shiro said softly.

"Y-you won't hu-hurt me?" The girl said.

"Yes, I won't, now please I'm in a hurry" Shiro said with a soft voice.

"Th-the town hall is in the middle, y-you need to go straight then go l-left then a right turn" the girl said.

"Okay thank you" Shiro said then started running to where the girl said.

"A child's voice?" The girl thought to her self while Shiro was running.

A minute later.

Shiro was almost the the town then she saw Yue and gumi running, she runs to them and stopped. She then grabbed an extra hood for Yue.

"Yue, here wear this." Shiro said then takes off her top hood.

"Why?" Yue asked.

"So that those soldiers won't suspect that your a child" Shiro answered quickly.

"O-oh sure." Yue said the wears the hood.

"Umm, Gumi can you transform into a human?" Shiro asked.

"I'm a familiar of course I can transform into anything". Gumi answered proud of himself.

"If you transform into a human Are you still strong enough to defeat 100 soldiers." Shiro asked again.

"Why wouldn't I be I just transformed into a human nothing will change the only thing that will change is my appearance " gumi answered.

"Good now can you please transform now" Shiro said softly. Gumi transformed into a human with white and red hair and a ruby coloured eyes.

"Whoa he looks....young..... so Japanese?" Shiro's thoughts while seeing a handsome guy that looks like his in his late 20's wearing a Japanese kimono and a wooden slippers.

Shiro then cast an illusion magic at Yue and her. A mix of purple and white mist surround them and with Shiro previews memories she turned them into an adult with Yue have blonde golden hair and blue sapphire eyes while Shiro has a golden brown hair and emerald green eyes that looked like her previous appearance but only a girl and has green eyes.

"Whoa, Nee-Chan can you teach me how to do this this is so cool. You can even even change our voices " Yue said with amazed face while Gumi there was shocked.

"And now your calling me Nee-Chan again, you silly little sister" Shiro said laughing.

"Hehe" Yue laughed embarrassed. While Shiro and Yue was laughing Gumi saw three soldiers walking by, Gumi quickly dragged both of them to an alleyway.

"Oi, what was that fo-" Shiro said before putting gumi's hand on her mouth while looking to the soldier's.

"Mhmm mhmmm" Shiro said trying to gets gumi's hand from her head.

"Shhhhh there are three soldiers here" Gumi whispered then let's go.

"Geez you could have told me earlier" Shiro said angry.

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