Chapter 2

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Emily woke up to the sound of knocking she stood up and opened the door. When she opened it she saw Dean standing there.
"We're heading to the bunker soon." Dean said.
"Ok, I will be over in a few minutes." Emily said.
Dean nodded and went back to his and Sams room.
Emily closed the door and went to the bathroom. She closed the bathroom door behind her and took off her clothes and turned on the shower. She made sure that the water was really warm and got in. She let the warm water run over her for a few seconds before she picked up the soap and started washing her body. God it felt good, it has been forever since she's taken an actual shower. She still bathed, but she did it with her clothes on and she did it in rivers. She washed off her body and then picked up the shampoo and conditioner and washed her hair. Once all the soap was off of her she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower and put her clothes back on. She dried her hair with the hotel hair dryer and ran her fingers through it.
Emily walked around the corner of the motel and knocked on Sam and Deans door. Sam opened the door and let her in.
"You ready?" He asks.
"Yep!" Emily replies excitedly.
"Then let's go." Dean says.
Dean grabs the duffle and they head out to the Impala. Dean puts the duffle in the trunk and gets in the drivers seat and Sam sits in the passenger seat while Emily sits in the back seat.
Dean turns on the radio and a smile spread across is face as ACDC came on.
"Now this Emily, is music." Dean said as he started beating his hands on the steering wheel along with the music. Sam laughed and rolled his eyes.
Emily liked the Winchesters they were offering to help her and take care of her and not to mention they were hunters too so she could hunt with them. She was happy they found her.
"So where is this bunker?" Emily asked.
"It's not that far we actually just finished a case near it so we should be there in one mabye two hours." Sam answered over Deans blaring music.
Emily smiled and put her head on the window and closed her eyes and fell asleep.
When Dean pulled up to the bunker he called out Emily's name trying to wake her up. When she woke up she saw that they were parked.
"Are we here?" She asked.
"Yeah, come on." Dean replied.
They got out of the car and Dean got the duffle out of the trunk. They walked up to the bunker and Sam unlocked the door. When Emily stepped inside she looked around and smiled. It was so warm.
"Follow me, I will show you where your room is." Sam said.
Emily followed Sam up the stairs and down the hall till they came to a door and Sam stopped and opened the door and Emily went in.
"This is mine?" Emily asked.
"Yeah." Sam answered.
"Thank you."
Sam nodded.
"Mine and Deans rooms are right down the hall if you need us."
Emily nodded and Sam shut the door and walked out.
Emily walked over to the bed and laid down. The bed was so soft it felt like she was laying on a cloud.
After awhile Emily got up and went downstairs.
"Sam Dean, I need some clothes and other things." Emily said.
She didn't have anything other than the clothes she was wearing.
"Ok, let's take you shopping." Sam said.
"I'm going to stay here." Dean said as he took Sams laptop and looked for a new case."
"Fine then give me your keys."
"Heck no, you're not driving baby."
"Then come on." Sam said.
"Fine." Dean groaned.
Emily, Sam, and Dean got into the impala and went to the closest clothing store.
Once they were finished, they went back to the bunker and it was 11:00.
"I'm going to bed." Emily said while yawning.
"Okay, goodnight." Sam and Dean said at the same time.
Emily went into her room and changed into. A new pair of her pjamas and got into bed and fell asleep.

Hey guys I want to thank you for reading!! And I'm having a hard time coming up with what to do next, so I would love to hear your suggestions. Thank you and I have good day or night or whatever it is!

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