The begginning of everything- part 2

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The picture shows how Violet sorta looks  ⤴️

Violet was exhausted. She should've thought ahead of time and gotten some food and water, but all she could think of was the capital. When she was younger, she had heard stories of the capital. It was called Hyldero. Hyldero was a magical place filled nothing but wonder, but after the king died, nothing was the same. His son, Apollo, was supposed to take over, but he was only a few month's old then. His mother, Queen Lily, took over for him instead until he turned eighteen. Queen Lily was rumoured to have the beauty of a goddess, the wiseness of an old man and be a leader better than her husband, but Hyldero began to loose it's wonder. That was the question that lingered in everyone's mind. What was the The Great Queen Lily doing wrong? Why was Hyldero falling? Violet never told anyone, but she thought that her creations were the solution to it all. With Hyldero getting bigger, life for everyone needed to get easier and Violet knew she could make the solutions to everyone's problems.

Violet had so many wonderful ideas. If she could just get her hands on some money, she could make those ideas come to life. One of her most loved creation ideas was called A Knight's Might Wax. It was a poisonous wax that should be rubbed around an arrow or a sword, once it cuts the enemy, the enemy will be sent to bed for at least a month because it'll sicken them. But the downside to this was that the wax could melt in heated conditions, so there needed to be a way to prevent the wax from melting. She couldn't use liquid because there was no knowing if it would just drip of the sword while fighting. She just needed the find a wax that could do that and not melt, for that she needed money to experiment. But for now, she just needed Gizmo back.

"This, this way. Wait, this way" Violet said trying to figure out which way to go. She wasn't the best at planning ahead of time. She didn't get food or water and not even a map to figure her way around.

"A knight's right is his grace and a knight's left is his fate, which'll he chose? Well that is up to you" Violet said remembering a rhyme his mother sang to Henry and her. It meant that in the right of the knight was his lover and in his left was a prosperous future, he chose the path that you chose for him (you were supposed to choose right because it was a love story).

Violet looked at both sides using her zoogles, they both seemed similar, "well, I'm not here to go find a lover, so I guess I'll go the fate route" she mumbled and began walking on the left pathway.


It was night now and Violet couldn't handle her thirst anymore. For as long as she was walking the grumbles of her tummy was only song she had heard. She licked her parched lips like that would help the burning sensation in her throat that made her voice hoarse. There was no river anywhere or even a tiny puddle that she could find, no one even passed by her that she could ask help from. She thought if she kept on going she would eventually come across a puddle or a person, but it had been a two days already of nothing but walking and short naps. Violet was beginning to loose hope. Her mental state had gotten so bad that she began thinking somebody was following her. From time and time she heard subtle sounds of murmurs, rustling bushes and whispers like a ghost was haunting her, but when she looked around, nobody was there. However, there was that slight sting in her back that kept telling her she was being followed. Her voice had become hoarse, her body felt weak and her eyes felt heavy. Finally, she gave up and let them win. She collapsed and fell unconscious.

 She collapsed and fell unconscious

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