Chapter #2

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As day break came I had already awoke waiting for the sleepy one to wake up. It was quite as usual, but yet she slept as if she was ready for death to come, with her blades gripped tight ready for battle. I whistled, "Pissssssss bladed kikö."

I decided to give her this name for she was the most beautiful woman on this earth I have ever laid eyes on. Just like the Kikö flowers my mother would put around my blade for a blessing to triumph over my enemy's. She reminded me so much of the old days of peace.

She woke up and threw a blade my way but failed I caught it. She gave me a scowl.

"Can we just go?" she asked.

Off we went high in the trees, but she hated it. We went back down and stayed ground side until she couldn't keep up. I slowed down just so she could catch up.

"You know kiko," I started to say but then suddenly we were ambushed by the White Foot clan, my oldest brother's, the so-called strongest ninja master.

His style and state of mind was flawed and clouded. Tò jôë was a fool as well as his foot soldier's. Ten to one, my brother really out did himself this time.

"What's the occasion boys?" I said as I drew my blades knowing what was about to happen.

"Master Shadow, you are wanted for the death of your father!"

Her eyes shot up at me as the White Foots shouted.

"Sorry kikö, I was gonna tell you, but I just didn't know if I could trust you yet. I am ashamed," I quickly turned my head back towards the white foots and prepared for battle.

I drew my blades and ran towards my enemy making my move as I vanished into the shadows. With four swift and delicate moves, the battle was over. I left one survivor to run back with a message to my brothers.

"This is not the first time. This is not the last time I will win. I will defeat my evil murderous brothers and end this petty war of theirs. Now run to your precious masters!" I watched the foot soldier vanish into the jungle. "Kikö, we best be on the move."

"But..." she started.

"I'll explain to you on the way." So we moved on at a quicker pace than before. I decided to take her to my palace hidden deep in the forbidden jungle.

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