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September 1, 1991
Late Evening

"Abott, Hannah!"


The table right next to Percy clapped, and him and other students next to the table jumped a little in fear of such loud noise. Percy saw a boy with rosy cheeks clapping so hard that it was a wonder that his hands were alright.

"Bones, Susan!"

Percy started blanking out at that moment thinking of what may happen to him. Will he be sorted into Slytherin? Or maybe even Ravenclaw?

'No Percy, stop it. Don't think of the House which stole your favourite colour.' Percy thought to himself. It was a real horror to think of people studying under the colour blue. Why can it not be purple? A color which Percy thinks is for people who study.

Harry likes the color purple, though his favourite is green.

"Longbottom, Neville!"

Neville nervously walked forward on to the aisle in front of the hall. Neville took the Sorting Hat from Professor McGonagall and sat on the old stool.

'Hello, young one, you are a perfect HUFFLEPUFF!'

'What?' Neville had thought when he stood up and gave the hat to McGonagall. Neville awkwardly walked towards the table to which "Abott, Hannah" and "Bones, Susan" went to, and sat in the middle of "Hopkins, Wayne" and "Jones, Megan".

"You seem like a mate of Harry Potter and Perseus Peverell . . . . Tell us about it, Longbottom."

Neville gulped.

"Malfoy, Draco!"

Draco pompously, but carefully, walked onto the aisle. He knew that many already knew that his father was a Death-Eater but the man was only doing what his father's last words were, and what was right of course.

Draco, unlikely to what was heard, was dead clever and had manipulated his own parents many a times to get them to see his rightfulness. Draco had Dobby leave his family, and then bond to him, so that Draco had his own house-elf. Nobody suspected a thing, of course.

Draco knew only some wizards have common sense, and Dumbledore was not one of them, so Draco knew that his options for Houses were less now. It only resulted in Slytherin or Ravenclaw. They were the Houses in which many Death Eaters came from, but alas those Ravenclawed Death Eaters were mostly Double-Agents, siding with each side so to remain safe in future.

As clever as it was, loyalty to the Dark Lord was always to prosper in Draco's family for three generations. But there was a forbidden topic in which a couple generations had followed Dumbledore during Grindelwald's reign.

Draco sat under the hat's calculating reign, and thought about the possibilities that could happen. There were two that were possible. Both of them in his favour.


Draco smirked and stood up slowly, and put the hat on the little stool, and then he walked coolly towards the table of the Ravens, the smartest people of the school.

Harry Potter was incredibly surprised when he heard his name called out. Harry was just thinking what would happen if the Hat said Hufflepuff. Will he be teased by Neville for not thinking this one thoroughly?


Harry did not even know what happened because he was sorted before he even heard something. This is so quick that Harry cannot even define or calculate it. Utterly fantastic and thankful for this nervous boy.

Perseus Peverell was understandably nervous, but why in the hell his brother went went first. Maybe it was by the name he was christened with, in the alphabetical order? Or maybe they think Percy is more famous so let's get the first twin outta here?

'It is, alas, the second one! Because you inhibit me! The Greek God of Sea!'

'Shut up, Poseidon.'


Percy sighed and went to aisle when "Peverell, Perseus" was called.

He was nervous, he heard someone saying, "That boy got hit with an Unforgivable". Percy stayed silent while Poseidon beamed at himself for being famous.

"Look at his scar!"

Are they even trying to be quiet?

"He must be used to being famous. Getting everything he wants."

Probably not. They think him he is an attention seeking brat, eh?

Percy smirked. He would give them his best.

'At least you are not murdering someone.'

'Who said I am not?'

Percy left Poseidon confused and sat under the hat.

The fun had just began.


The whole hall clapped, Gryffindors being the loudest. Only one redhead was not laughing and clapping, he was just staring at Harry Potter and Percy Peverell. Ron Weasley did not know what hit him as he forgot to notice the scars on their faces.

Ronald facepalmed himself and heard another voice saying, "I knew it."

He turned to see a girl with bushy hair, and then turned back. What was that devil doing on the Gryffindor table? Ron hoped that nothing bad happened to him.

Like having a troll fight him, like Fred said.

Who knew what they have done, getting trolls in the school, and something bad.

Ron shuddered at the thought.

"You seem like a mate of Harry Potter and Perseus Peverell . . . . Tell us about it, Longbottom."

Ron noticed "Longbottom, Neville" on the Hufflepuff Table, and then gulped. Ron did not want to be interrogated like that. Seriously who says like this. Utterly prospeterous, whatever that means except being sick of it.

Percy Weasley shouted in approval as Perseus Peverell joined him at the table, he got many strane looks at the display of such positive emotion when not studying; it was worth every single knut it will cost him.

"Hey Percy."

"Hey Percy."

"Sooooooo, you two know each other?" An Irish boy asked them awkwardly.

Percy nodded in a proud manner and said elegantly, "Of course! Perseus has known me since I, myself, have joined this magnificent school." Politely, Percy smiled smugly.

The Irish boy looked offended surprisingly, and resigned.

Percy turned his head to watch "Weasley, Ron"- his youngest brother- sorted into his own House. Family sticks together like always.

Percy felt that strangely ironic.

Why, he will not know.

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