It was a dark day when the SuperHero Caspy woke up at 10:30 am. Caspy knew something was wrong and that he had to figure out what it was.
Caspy is a dog by the way, but he isn't a normal dog he has superpowers. His superpowers include heat vision, a super bark, and he can fly.
Every morning when he wakes up he eats his kibble and then starts patrolling the city. This time when he patrolled it was different there were storm clouds so dark even the night time in the country seemed dark compared to this. He heard thunder so loud a car alarm would be better.
Once he seen there were holes in the city everywhere he knew it could only be the work of his arch nemesis Doctor Desel.
The Legend of Caspy
ActionThis is a story of a dog named Caspy who versus his arch enemy!