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SOMEWHERE IN THE far lands of warsaw, the summer wind slashed and throbbed against the green leaves of the old trees.

Under such parents, one could spot two golden brown bodies, involved around the soft, green grass. Fallen leaves whirled around them, yet not bothering the beings.

They were sprawled across the land under an old banyan tree, on their stomaches and their legs floated teasingly in the air, acting as a somewhat barrier against the mighty winds.

The younger one grinned in mischief, her chocolate brown eyes containing the same glint that always got her into trouble. Her dark brown hair styled into two small pigtails, danced and waved on tips of the wind. Winnie the pooh bandages comforted the delicate skin of her kneecaps.

She looked up left and grinned harder at the look her elder sister was giving her. It did not faze her, she knew the elder loved and adored her.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" the elder whispered, in a groggy voice. She did not wish to ruin the serenity of her surroundings or scare off some timid animals.

Anjali hummed, twirling her right pigtail with the pads on her fingers as she looked up at the cloudy sky.

"How cool would it be if butterflies took over the world!" her eyes gleamed in joy.

Mohini turned her body towards her younger sister, the apple of her hip struck out beautifully as she leaned on her elbow and collected her head within her left palm. "And how did you come up with something like that?" she asked, slightly amused by the latter's thinking.

"Oh, i don't know," she mused, plucking flakes of grass and throwing it around her. "Just that i love butterflies!"

Mohini snorted, "Okay," and threw her figure lightly to lay on her back. She pulled up her knees and fiddled with the intentionally damaged strings that hung onto her denim jeans.

The pair fell silent, taking in the beautiful surroundings. Watching the soft clouds move according to the mood of the strong, yet beautiful wind. Birds hummed and chirped around them and for the first time in a long go, the elder felt complete.

"When will momma come back?" Anjali asked her elder sister, her eyebrows furrowed in dismay. She never liked it when their mother left them. Even if it were for her treatment.

"Only time will tell, Anju, only time."

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