Chapter 4

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(Takeda POV)

I looked at him in a nervous manner as sweat dripped from my forehead. I wondered what he was going to say that made him look so dead serious, he almost looked scary there he sat.

He stared at me, waiting for my approval. I then nodded and was willing to listen to every word he had to say.

(Ukai POV)

Takeda nodded in approval, and I began to feel an aching pain in my chest. I was very nervous, but i was at my limit and couldn't wait any longer. I needed this to be over with so he could atleast consider my feelings before turning me down.

"I-" My voice broke as i tried to speak up. "Sorry sensei, i know i look pathetic right now." I felt the tears coming. "Its just..I go crazy everytime i see you. My heart races, and it feels like i'm going to die." I sobbed as i continued.

"You have always been the best, you are more than i deserve, so- so much more. I began looking at you as more than a friend, i wanted to have you all by myself. I got selfish as i fell for you."

"I really enjoyed the time we spent together, and didn't wanna ruin our friendship. So i kept it to myself, cause i knew if i spoke up, i'd end up getting rejected in the end." I sobbed as tears fell down my face.

"I love you so much sensei, it's diffucult to breathe. And the reason i was even able to come as far as we are now is because i'm not fully sober yet." I mumbled as i grabbed onto him, leaning my face onto his crumbled shirt.

(Takeda POV)

We both sat there in silence for a while, and all i could hear was Ukai's soft sobbing.

I couldn't believe the confession i just heard. He just poured his whole heart out to me, and i was so flattered that i couldn't think of a response. In fact i was so happy that our feelings were mutual, to the point i wanted to cry. But, i held back.

Instead, i grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and kissed him deeply, gently i touched my lips with his. He opened his mouth in a gentle moan, and i took the chance to slide my tongue in. He returned the favor, and our tongues met.

I could feel our dicks throbbing under us as we made out. We then came to the point where we gasped for air, and heavy breathing filled the room.

"U-ukai.." i began. "I never knew you felt like this about me all this time. And hearing you say this was a suprise on its own." I looked into his eyes as i continued. "I've been casuing you pain all this time, and it makes me feel guilty. But, even how much it hurt, you kept it inside to protect our friendship.." My heart raced like crazy. "And since you've told me all this, i want to tell you something as well.

"He looked at me, still tears in his eyes. "I've been doing the same as you. I have loved you as long as i can remember, but didn't want to admit it myself..cause i was my brain i told myself that there's no way you could return how i felt about you in any way possible. That is until now.

As you spoke to me, you made my heart feel at ease, and took away the pain i've been feeling for so long. "Ukai had an unreadable expression on his face as i finished.

"Sensei.." He said to me. "Even if this doesn't feel real right now, and even if i'm too happy to show any proper emotion, i want you to know that you've never made me happier"

A smile appeared on his face as he buried his face in my neck. Gently stroking my back with his hands.

(To be continued)

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