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"Last night, a letter was hand delivered to my door threatening me. I ignored it as I thought the threat was to me and me only. But I then received a picture with the whole team. I was circled in red, and the rest of you had numbers."

Hotch continued

"Then early this morning, another letter was delivered but this time to my office. Saying that Agent L/N is being targeted and will be dead within the next few days. And then I also received a picture, with Y/N completely scribbled out. The rest of us had more numbers and Reid was the one circled."

"This is now a active FBI case, as it concerns all of us. We will find this man, and we can't rest until we have. Office hours will be longer and we will catch this man."

"Y/N, go home. Get some rest, we will call you if we find anything ground breaking but you need to sleep."

You got back to your apartment, in your haze but you realised the door is unlocked.


You opened the door slowly and began searching your apartment. You searched the kitchen first, clear. You then searched the living room, clear. And then you searched the bedroom, clear. You thought maybe Spencer forgot to shut the door. Everyone was fine, normal.

You then felt a pair of arms wrapped around your neck. You kicked the mysterious figure in the shins and went to grab your gun. He punched you across the face multiple times, making you bleed. You punched him once in the throat and then across the face. He got a glass bottle, and smashed it over your head. Blood dripping everywhere. You ran away but couldn't get to the other room in time. You collapsed on the way to your bedroom, blacking out.


Y/N had been gone for a while, and there was no word from her. I began to worry but Hotch reassured me. It didn't stop my worries though. I decided on my break to go back to Y/N's apartment. I saw the door was open so I drew my gun, searching the apartment. When I got to the kitchen, I saw a broken table and shattered glass everywhere. As well as Y/N's badge and gun on the counter top. I called Hotch, my hands were shaking


"Hotch, it's Reid. Somethings wrong. He's. He's taken her."

"It's ok Reid, we'll be there in ten minutes."

I hung up, with my head buried in my hands.


You woke up, with a throbbing headache. You were tied up to an old wooden chair. You squinted trying to see where you were but it was dark. Pitch black.


No reply


A deep voice replied

"It's not use, no one will hear you babe."

The mysterious figure emerged from the pitch black shadows. It couldn't be, it was. But how.


"In the very flesh my darling."

It was Sam. Your ex boyfriend. He was the reason you fled your old town, you enrolled in the FBI academy after you dumped him and moved away. He never wanted you to join the FBI, he was extremely controlling and dangerous.

"How are you doing babe?"

You stayed silent, trying to process the fact that he was there. The last time you saw him was an obituary for him in the local news.

"Y-You died."

He chuckled

"I'm not dead yet hun, they did a good job on the obituary though."

He circled your chair, holding a taser and turning it to the maximum voltage.

"What do you want Sam?"

"To kill you, with my bare hands. But that won't be much fun for me so I will torture you instead."

He grabbed you by your hair and tiled you back

"So sit back, and relax bunny."

He shocked you with the taser, you could feel the electricity pulsing round your body. you let out a painful scream. He laughed at your pain, his sly eyes looked at you.

"P-Ple-Please just stop."

He smiled, putting the taser down and unbuttoning his shirt.

"Oh baby I am just getting started."

He ripped off your blouse, exposing your bra. He ripped off your belt causing you to wince in pain, it made him laugh. Torturing you made him amused. He lowered his pants and ripped off your underwear. His hand trailed down to the inside of your bra, cupping your right breast. His fingers circled your nipples, making him moan. You bit down on your lip, trying to choke back your tears. He ripped off his boxers, putting it slowly near your mouth.

"Go on."

You refused. He grabbed a knife and began to run it into your thighs. You screamed, using the smallest amount of energy you had left to say something.

"P-lea. s-stop."

He just laughed at you, thrusting himself inside you. You winced in pain, it hurt so bad. He began to suck your collarbone, continuing to trust inside you. Just at the moment, he grunt. You felt him come inside you, pulling his weight off of you. He pulled up your underwear and he walked out. You tried to break free from your ropes, sobbing.


The team got back to the bullpen, as did I. I searched all of Y/N's files, dating back to the very first day she were born. I saw something that flagged up, a women that knew Y/N. Morgan leaned over me

"Look this woman knew Y/N and she doesn't live far."

Hotch walked over.

"Who is she?"

"Natalie Moore."

Hotch ordered

"Rossi, Morgan Reid and I will go to Natalie's apartment, Emily and JJ  can stay here."


We got to the apartment as a woman answered the door, she was a small women. With brown long hair, and hazel eyes. She let us in and we walked in, I looked around admiring the small apartment. Rossi started to question the woman

"How do you know Y/N?"

"We were best friends before she enrolled in the FBI Academy. We met in LA and have been friendly ever sin-"

"Where did you get this?"

I picked up a necklace, a necklace I knew. It was the necklace I gave to Y/N on our year anniversary. It was a small silver circle with an engraved quote of her favorite book. Natalie stuttered

"I-uh. I um."

"What is it?"

Morgan asked.

"It's a necklace, the necklace I got Y/N a year ago. She never takes it off. The only question is, how is it in your apartment?"

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