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Y/N had been gone for a while, and there was no word from her. I began to worry but Hotch reassured me. It didn't stop my worries though. I decided on my break to go back to Y/N's apartment. I saw the door was open so I drew my gun, searching the apartment. When I got to the kitchen, I saw a broken table and shattered glass everywhere. As well as Y/N's badge and gun on the counter top. I called Hotch, my hands were shaking


"Hotch, it's Reid. Somethings wrong. He's. He's taken her."

"It's ok Reid, we'll be there in ten minutes."

"Look this woman knew Y/N and she doesn't live far."

"Who is she?"

"Natalie Moore."

Hotch ordered

"Rossi, Morgan Reid and I will go to Natalie's apartment, Emily and JJ can stay here."

"How do you know Y/N?"

"We were best friends before she enrolled in the FBI Academy. We met in LA and have been friendly ever sin-"

"Where did you get this?"

"I-uh. I um."

"What is it?"

"It's a necklace, the necklace I got Y/N a year ago. She never takes it off. The only question is, how is it in your apartment?"


I could see the anger within Spencer's eyes. It looked like he was about to attack the woman.


He edged towards her, as I grabbed him.

"Come on ki-"

He pulled away from me.


I grabbed him again and took him out of the apartment, the door slammed behind me.


I sighed

"Of course I do Reid, but screaming verbal abuse at a woman who could be our only lead isn't going to help. It will just make matters worse, trust me."

He sighed, I could see tears in his eyes.

"I'm just. I'm scared Morgan."

"I know kid, I'm scared too. But Y/N is tough, she will make it. You just gotta believe. Come on, let's take you back."



Morgan took Reid out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I turned around, back to Natalie holding the necklace.

"Where did you get this Miss Moore?"

"I um. I really don't know, I have never seen that before."

Rossi added

"But why would it be in your apartment? Aren't you the only one who lives here?"

"Um. No. My uh, my boyfriend lives here too. He. Oh my god."


She was sobbing as she sat down on her couch.

"He was Y/N's ex boyfriend, he would always go on about her. It's like he was obsessed. A couple nights ago, he came back with that necklace and blood on his shirt. He hasn't been home for a day o-"

"Can you give us a name Ma'am?"

"Sam. Sam Lockwood."

We thanked her and left the apartment, going back to the bullpen.



Hotch and Rossi got back to the bullpen, with the necklace in Hotch's hand.

"Where is she?"

Hotch went over to Garcia's computer, talking to her.

"Garcia, can you do a background check on Sam Lockwood?"

"My hands of fire will work at the speed of light."

She typed for a while, everyone huddled around her.

"Sam Lockwood, he was an ex police officer in Los Angeles. He dated Y/N for a year before she broke up with him and enrolled to the FBI academy. There were charges against him fo- oh. For domestic abuse, he was an abusive partner but he went off the grid to avoid the charges. He recently relocated with his new girlfriend Natalie Moore."

I had an idea

"Garcia, can you check on any property in Sam's name?"

She typed but shook her head.

"Nope, nothing."

"What about his parents?"

She typed frantically

"Yes, his parents William and Sarah Lockwood have a warehouse in the Lockwood name precisely fifteen minutes away. Sending the address now."

We all put out vests on and grabbed our guns. Hotch ordered

"JJ, Emily and I will go in the first car. Reid, Rossi and Derek in the second car. Let's go."


You kept on screaming for help, your energy levels kept decreasing. You couldn't hold on anymore, you were slowly giving up. Sam walked back into the room, with a knife. He trailed his hands across your shoulders.

"How are you today bab-?"

You bit his hand, causing him to drop the knife in his hands. He punched you across the face and in the stomach. You coughed out blood, a worryingly amount of blood. He kept on hitting you.

"You can hit me all you want, you can torture me but you lay a hand on Spencer and I will murder you."

He chuckled

"Trust me babe, he is my next target. Then Derek, Then the rest of your pathetic little team. And your family, and Spencer's idiotic mot-"

You spat in his face, he hit you another time. But you heard something in the distance, sirens. Sam hadn't noticed, he kept on hitting you but he then realized the sirens. He cut the ropes off both of your wrists and legs. You tried to run away but he gripped onto you, pointing a gun at your head.

"Shhh baby."



Morgan kicked down the door of the warehouse. I checked the first room, it was clear. I walked into another room and saw Morgan stood next to a chair. An empty chair with cut ropes

"They must've just left. These cuts are recent."

JJ remarked. I walked over to Morgan who was reading something

"What is it Morgan?"

He gave me this crumpled up letter that I read

'Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan,

Sorry we keep missing each other, I just know you're infuriated that you haven't caught me yet. But what about Y/N? Well, well. She is fine, for now. You will have to try harder if you want to catch me and save your precious agent. Derek, how is the big brother persona treating you? Spencer, how much is your mind beating itself up knowing that your princess is mine again? Be patient, if you can manage that and wait for the next step. I will contact you shortly. Good luck team, I know you won't let Y/N down. As the game has just begun, you little pawns have made your first step. It's time for the king to make his move. '

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