Part Three .

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Mark woke up crushed . He was embarrassed , sad , heartbroken . What had he done ? He never should have gone to Witney's room . He never should have confessed his feelings for her . He never should have tried to kiss her .

Four days passed and the tension could have been cut with a knife . Witney avoided Mark . She only danced with him . No conversations , no looks . Mark so desperately wanted to talk to Witney . To work things out . He wanted to apologize to Witney , but she wouldn't let him .


Mark was walking in the studio to see what room he was in when he saw just who he was looking for , Witney .

" Witney , Witney ." Mark called . Witney tried to walk away but he stopped her .

" Look ," Mark started ," I am so sor..." Witney then interrupted him before he could finish .

" Mark . Not here . Not now . Just forget about it ." She then quickly walked to their rehearsal room .


" Guys ," Travis sighed as they were finishing their last run through for the day . " You guys were amazing , but what happened ? You guys had so much chemistry , such a great connection . What went wrong ? Is it the choreography ? Did something happen between you too ? I need more . I ... I just need more ."

Mark and Witney could both tell Travis was frustrated at them . He was right . They had such great chemistry . Travis then grabbed his bags and left the two alone .

" Witney ," Mark began ," Why ? Why avoid me ? We need to make this dance the best it can be , and we can't by doing this ."

" Mark ," Witney said . Tears were in her eyes . " Can't you see ? Mark , I can't be with you . I ... I love you . You make me crazy . You make me feel something I've never felt before , but I just can't . I can't be with you , Mark . " Tears were now streaming down her face . Mark was overwhelmed . Witney has never confessed her true feelings for Mark . She has never been vulnerable towards Mark .

He was saddened , and shocked . But he was also determined .


Okay I'm so sorry I didn't update .

I met some SYTYCD stars and I was just so overwhelmed . ☆

Thanks , I love you all . ♡

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