Where am i?

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You wake up in an unknown place not knowing where or how you are.

You start to scan around yourself and see a huge gate with characters that you couldn't read
oof this is new" you mumble to yourself

You start to get up and look around to see if there's anyone around and decide to just wiggle  into what seems to be a village

Many people are wandering the streets and with this you decide to just blend in.

You then realize something and turn into the first corner you see.

Even thought you just woke up with  absolutely no memory on how you got here or where you are.

You seem to remember that you have some animal ears and tails...

OH I must be special

judging by how commonly dressed everyone is you must stick out like a sore thumb.

It seems the corner you turned acctually led into a alleyway so you head down deeper
"Wuh oh! Oof"

You tripped then fell over what seemed to be a bottle

You get up on your elbows and there a green glass bottle that's been crushed by you

Your leg bleeding you decide to stay on the floor s few more minutes

It seemed as if no one is from where your from because you had big floof (you think dogs are fluffs since you had just seen one ) ears and tail
You try to stand up and fall about to give up when you see a hand pop up in front of you

A spiky white haired man stood above you his eyes were half closed and he, just like all the other people didn't have fluffy ears and tail
He also wore a mask and a thick string with what looked like a leaf on it holding on side of his mask to cover up his eye

You take his hand and shake it "Hi! What's your name?!" You ask tail wagging

"Kakashi, but the hand was to help you up" he says a bit of laughter mixed into his voice

"Ohhh makes sense" you smile gently and take his hand he pulls you up and you shake your self off

He then pulls out a book and starts flipping through it the title is "Make out with other beings 101" -Jiriya sama

"What are you" He asks curving one eyebrow down

*Gasp* "Well acctually I don't know that" You say completely clueless

Kakashi POV
I found one of the dumbest ones out there

She looks completely clueless as to where she is and who I am

"Well I don't know how I can help you but you don't look human I mean compared to the other humans here".......

Oh god does she not know what humans are? She's not speaking
"H-humans? The fook are those" she asks both curious and distraught

'Correct I am' I say in my mind
"Well I mean your on a village full of them" I say holding back a bit of laughter

"So does that mean there are other non human things like the floofs and I ?" She asks

Before I answered I saw that her tail was dirty and her hair hadn't been combed at all but then I looked at her ears and what could've fooled others as dirt I saw a bit of wood. Wood from our gate. She must've touched the gate and then touched her ear.

"Eh, Floofs?" I ask

"Yeah! You see that?" Turns and Points to dog

"I have ears and tail like That floof" I say in all seriousness

A loud laugh erupts behind me
You turn around to see Kakashi Leaning on the alley wall as if to support him with one hand and his other hand holding his stomach

"A floof, A FLOOF, bahaha that's a dog little one" he says it kinda sounded like he struggled through laughs

"Oh a little dog?! What does a big one look like?"  I ask

*sigh* "never mind come on we should find you somewhere to sleep" kakashi spoke in a amused calm voice

"What do you mean find?! I know my way around" you lie not wanting to cause the tired looking man any troubles

"Oh really? Because judging by your appearance oh look like you just arrived here and you did say u just arrived here earlier right?" he hissed

"Ehhh I don't remember saying tha-" dang it 'Damn I'm dumb'

"But Mr.Kakashi I don't wanna cost trouble I can probably sleep here on the ground. I mean it's pretty dark out"

'I don't wanna cost trouble on my first day in an unknown'

Sigh "yeah that's kinda why I was gonna find a place for you to stay but it is dark, welp come with me then" he says as he starts walking away

"OkI then" you start walking too and then thud

And then you blacked out

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