Chapter Two

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There were 3 of them. 3 beautiful, colorful, intricate tattoos for Charlie to choose from. The tattooist looked at her warily, hoping his designs were good enough for her taste- he knew how high her standards were, he’d done her last 7 tattoos. Charlie looked closely at each tattoo, flipping her platinum collarbone-length hair from shoulder to shoulder. The tattoo she was about to choose would go on her right upper arm, covering her shoulder and stopping at her elbow.

“These are beautiful, Will, I’m not sure how to choose,” She sighed. Will smiled in relief, and stood up.

“Alright, you decide and I’ll be right back,” He left, crossing the shop as someone came in. Charlie looked in the mirror at herself, still deciding. She investigated her image in the mirror, her mousy brown roots were starting to poke through again, her eyeliner was a little crooked, and the outfit: a white tank top and leather pants she’d decided on with her favorite gray beanie and black heeled boots, was just not working for her anymore. She sighed, and went back to staring at the 3 tattoos Will created for her. Her favorite was the one in the middle: orchids and roses surrounded by dark outlines and shadows, overlain by a fine gray grain. Rubbing her upper arm in anxiety, she wandered out into the lobby and followed the sound of Will’s voice.

“Hey Will, I think I-” As she turned the corner, the scene in front of her was astounding. There he was, the handsome guy from the night before; sharing a pot of coffee with Will. He glanced up at her, then did a double take as Will motioned for Charlie to come in.

“Charlie, Harry,” Will smiled, as Charlie sat down on the arm of his chair.

“We’ve met,” Charlie and Harry said together, Harry winked at her as she giggled about their timing.

“What are you doing here?” They asked, again both at the same time. Charlie turned and framed her shoulder with her hand.

“Getting another,” She smiled and Will laughed.  

“Harry was also considering getting another,” Will sighed, and Harry flaunted his arms in confirmation. “And I was just about to ask you if you would mind rescheduling, Charlie,” Will turned to her. “I have class at 10 and your piece might take me a while...” Charlie nodded, understanding; it was already 8:45 and she had to go work, too. Will continued talking, this time to Harry.

“And when you’re done, just make sure you clean up your station this time, I’m sick of cleaning up after your shit,” He teased, but Harry only nodded because he was staring at Charlie.

“Charlie,” Harry mumbled, “if you wanted to get yours done today, I have time...” He hesitantly smiled, “If you want to?” He smiled again, then sat expectantly. Charlie looked from Harry to Will then back to Harry. Will shrugged, almost in reassurance but mostly in nonchalance.

Charlie nodded, “I mean, sure, I told the office I wouldn’t be in until noon,” She smiled.

“Alright,” Will stood up and returned his mug to the stack by the coffee brewer, “You guys have fun!”

Harry looked up at Charlie from his seat on the couch, her smile was reserved which worried him. Harry was known for his corny jokes, but she didn’t know that yet, although she was about to.

“So Charlie,” He said in his most serious voice and she looked at him puzzled, “How does a train eat?” He asked, and she smiled.

“It goes chew, chew,” She replied, mimicking a conductor and pulling an imaginary string. He laughed along with her; he’d never found anyone that knew his jokes, let alone thought they were funny too. Who was she? Where had she been all of his life? So much about this girl interested him, attracted him, and made him want to know more about her.

Almost telepathically, they stood up at the same time after their laughter subsided, both of them ready to get tattooing. Following Harry back to Will’s station, Charlie noticed all the tattoos covering him. Black, grey, and tan were all a blur on both arms, and while she couldn’t tell how many there were, she was sure that there was plenty more being covered.

She was too busy investigating his tattoos that she didn’t realize he’d stopped walking until she bumped into his back. Being extremely clumsy, she grabbed hold onto whatever she could to keep her balance and unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) clutched his butt. Startling both herself and Harry, she released it immediately and fell to the ground. He stared down at her, there on the floor, at first in confusion and then amusement. She gaped back at him, her eyes wide and mouth forming a perfect “o”. The entire catastrophe, while complicated, only lasted a few seconds.

He laughed first, breaking the awkward tension.

“Here, let me help you,” He smiled and extended his hand for her, but she was already up before he got his hand all the way extended.

“Wow, I’m so sorry, I totally did not mean to do that, I’m so sorry,” She stammered and blushed, making sure never to make eye contact with Harry.

“If you wanted to grope me, you could have just asked,” He teased, then turned towards the desk where Will’s sketches were scattered about. She faked a giggle in response and joined him next to the desk.

“It’s that one,” She whispered, pointing to her favorite. Harry looked at her surprised, then back at the one Charlie had chosen. “What?” She demanded, defensively. He shook his head, smiling.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” He replied picking it up, “It’s just that I drew this one...” He smirked cockily. Charlie only nodded, not wanting to boost his ego by telling him it was her favorite.

“Well, should we get to it?” She requested, sitting down. He nodded and got to organizing and preparing the items he needed, while Charlie watched vigilantly. From that time on, while he touched and tattooed her arm, neither of them said a word. Clearly he liked to work in quiet, and Charlie was just the same.

After an hour, she was surprised when he was done. She’d refrained from watching the needle puncture her skin, the thought of it making her queasy. Harry leaned back in his chair after he’d wrapped it for her, obviously pleased with his handiwork. Placing his hands behind his head, he smiled cheekily.

“You can thank me later,” He winked. Charlie rolled her eyes and stood up, checking the time and pulling her bag over her non-tattooed shoulder. She had 45 minutes to get to work and it was about a 30 minute commute, on a good day.

“Well, thank you,” She said, handing him a large bill, “Keep the change, love,” She winked and walked out of the shop then to the station across the street, before he could even stand up. He grinned to himself, knowing that this girl would be a challenge, but also very much enjoying how she made him feel. From that moment, sitting in the small confines of Will’s office, he knew he would stop at absolutely nothing to be friends with Charlie.

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