Hold On

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It happened one day; Liam had enough. He couldn't live up to everyone's expectations. His mother was killed. The hunters came back. He quit lacrosse. He was distant to Theo. Scott had to quit college because he couldn't handle Beacon Hills alone. He was even ignoring Mason. No one noticed as he slowly was drifting away. It wasn't hard finding wolfsbane; Monroe still had alliances everywhere. A quick anonymous pick up with a remote drop off; Liam had a vial of purple wolfsbane in his possession.

Letters wrote: Theo, my love, Mason, my best friend, Scott, my alpha, Corey, thanks for always being there, Nolan, you are a good friend, Stiles, you are always there for me, Lydia, thank you, Malia, thanks for the memories, Derek, thanks for leading, and Melissa, thanks for being my mom. Each wrote out thoughtfully, with heart and tears. He laid them under his pillow as he went downstairs to go to school one last time.

"Hey, Little Wolf, you were whimpering in your sleep last night; you okay?" Theo asked him.

"Never better," Liam smiled.

"Someone's in a good mood today," Theo smirked.

"I'm always in a good mood."

Theo knew that wasn't true the past few weeks Liam had been down; he noticed they all talked about it. No one thought to talk to Liam though; it was just part of the grieving process for his mom. They all thought.

Liam sat down beside Theo and stole a piece of toast of his plate, taking a bite.

"Wow, you're eating too," Theo smiled. "What happened to Liam Dunbar?"

"Revolutions," Liam replied. "I figured I should stop moping around like a depressed teenager."

"Good," Theo hugged him.

Liam sighed feeling the chimera's body against his.

Liam and Theo rode to school like nothing was wrong.

Liam walked into Coach's office, "Hey, Coach."

"Dunbar, want your position back? We really need you," Coach looked at him, their losing streak in his mind.

Liam thought about it, "did someone need him? No. He's just saying that. It's lacrosse, anyone decent could take his place."

"No, I just wanted to thank you for the opportunity," Liam looked at the man.
"You're welcome? Anything else?" Coach looked at him.

"Nope," Liam said cheerfully, walking out, hiding the tears in his eyes.

Liam sat down beside Theo at lunch.

"Is that Liam Dunbar, smiling?" Mason looked at him.

"Revolutions," Theo mocked him.

Liam lightly punched him in a joking manner, "I just feel good today like nothing bad is going to happen ever again."

"Uh, Liam we live in Beacon Hills," Corey looked at him.

"And that's exactly the point," Liam thought to himself.

"This town is never normal," Nolan broke in laughing.

Liam smiled and nodded at his friends, his pack. He looked at them all engaged in each other's conversations; Liam sitting there quietly. "See, they don't need you, They are fine on their own,"

Theo looked at Liam staring off, "Li, what's up?" Theo was taken aback by his behavior today.

"Nothing, just thinking about history later."

"You sure?"

"Yes, Theo I know what is going on in my mind."

"And you wouldn't want to see it," Liam thought to himself.

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