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Kamiko woke up to the nurse's gentle call. It was time for her to take medicine for the morning. "Morning ms. Yuki." She yawned as she sat up, rubbing her eyes a bit.

"Morning Kamiko. Ready for your medicine?" She asked as she held up the small cup.

"I guess." She said as ms. Yuki helped her drink the weird tasting medicine. She never liked the taste of it. She even refused to drink it several times but Kazama and Izumi would always scold her whenever she tried to tough it out. She drank her water quickly and looked around the room. Kazama wasn't here today either. She had been staying in the infirmary for the last five days since her side injury was difficult to move around with. She also heard that they were afraid her body would shut down but they never told her what that meant. But yesterday they said that she could start walking around on her own and even leave Border if Kazama wanted too.

Ms. Yuki helped her out of bed and let her walk around. Something about seeing if she was well enough to walk. But Kamiko could've sworn she saw a look of boredom on the nurse's face. "I'll be fine Ms. Yuki. I come back if I need anything." She said as she waved to the nurse.

"Okay but don't do anything that could get you hurt please." The nurse said as she walked down the hall.

Kamiko gently gripped her shirt before pushing the doors and leaving the infirmary. She tightened her hold as she looked down the pure white halls on either side of her. She thought for a moment before just walking one of the paths. She let out a breath as she felt a bit uneasy walking alone. But it was better than bothering someone. She saw a door that was cracked open a bit. Pushing it open further, she saw stairs that led up and down. "How big is this place?" She wondered aloud as she made her way up the stairs. Her small legs were exhausted as she made her way to the top. Panting, she pushed the door open and covered her eyes from the blinding light. Quietly, she made her way out into the open. The sun shone brightly as the clouds danced around the sky. She smiled as she raced out into the open and spun around. It felt like forever since she was able to go outside! She took a deep breath as she came to a stop and opened her arms wide. It was a bit cold but it didn't bother her in the least bit as she ran towards one of the walls. She climbed up the ledge and took in the view.

Now that she thought about it. She didn't have a clue about where she was. Well, she was in Border. But where was Border? She could see dozens of houses that led into the city but she couldn't see anyone from how high up she was. She leaned over a bit more to try and see if she could see any movement from her spot.

She felt a pair of hands lift her away from the edge almost at frantic pace. She yelped in shock and turned towards the one who pulled her close to them. "What are you doing here Ka-shrimp?! That's extremely dangerous!" The blonde said as he fell backwards with another yelp. She landed on his chest as he sat back up.

"Izumi?" She questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"Answer mine first."

She sighed and slid back onto the ground. "Ms. Yuki said that I can finally go off on my own. I didn't want to bother her or anyone else so I decided to explore a bit. I just sort of wandered up here." She said as she looked back towards the ledge then back at him. "Your turn."

"I was looking for you. The nurse said that you left so I got worried again. It was only luck that I came up here first." He said as he ruffled her hair a bit. "I asked Kazama earlier and he said I can take you out to Mikado city."

"Meikado city?" She tried to repeat.

"Mikado city." He said with a chuckle. Lifting her up, he pointed to the large city. "All of this, including Border, is a part of Mikado city."

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