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Kamiko roamed the quiet halls. She was looking for someone she knew. Izumi and Amo had to go to a meeting and had left her with Yugia. But she didn't feel comfortable around the loud man. So without a word, she left while he was talking to himself. It didn't even faze her that it was so easy to get away from him. Though she wished she'd pay attention to how many turns that she had taken.

Kamiko lifted her head as she heard voices. Turning her head, many people came into her line of sight. Maybe she could ask them for help? But who would she ask them to help her find? She couldn't remember all the names of the people she's met so far. Blinking she barely realized that she was already heading towards the voices. The room was so big. Way too big. She felt her heart drop at the sight of so many people. This is probably a bad idea. She thought for a moment before taking a deep breath and calming herself. I can do this. This is nothing. I will not be scared. With that she made her way into the large room. Thankfully, no one paid her any mind at first.

Though slowly she started to feel an uneasy feeling creeping up onto her. The ringing was faint but she could still hear it coming. She let out a breath and kept walking. Only occasionally looking up at the people around her and even meeting most of their gazes. She heard footsteps and tried to pick up the pace before bumping into someone. "Hey! I have a question!" A girl asked as Kamiko tried to avoid her.

The ringing slowly started to grow louder as more people came around. One of them picked her off the ground and the voices and words started melding into one another. She could feel her breathing start to become weird as she struggled to get away! "Hey there's no reason to be scared." One of them said.

Kamiko didn't care. She struggled to breath. Darkness was taking over everything as she craned her small body around and bit the person's hand. They shouted and let her fall to the ground with a thud. She gritted her teeth and curled into a ball. The voices and ringing were getting louder and louder. She could feel her mouth opening and closing. But she couldn't hear her voice! What do I do?! She thought as she pressed her hands to the floor. She could see them! All of them! Too many of them! Why couldn't they leave her alone?! She curled into a tighter ball as she drifted in the darkness with the ringing.

"So, please.....thought....this was a good idea?!" She finally heard someone and noticed that she was pressed against someone. She tried to push herself away but the person didn't let her.

"Kage, I think she's awake. Let's take her back to your room. She's been there before, right?" The man said.

"Fine. Phantom hag you got this under control?" Kage asked.

"Don't worry. They aren't getting off lightly." Auntie Kako said as Kamiko opened her eyes a bit. She met a pair of tired brown eyes. The guy looked a bit surprised but smiled down at her.

She closed her eyes and nuzzled. "Kage, Yuma. Let's go." He started walking away, she guessed he was following Kage. His sweet scent was nice.

"What...happened?" She could barely hear herself and her head ached so much.

"Don't worry about it right now. Just know you're safe." Kage said as she drifted back to sleep. If he said so then she saw no reason to question him. Besides, her body felt really weak.

When she opened her eyes again, she watched as Kage talked to two other boys. One of them had white hair and the other was the tired looking man. She slowly slid off the mat and made her way over towards the group.

"So that's the situation. I thought it was weird for Kazama to suddenly have a child out of nowhere." The tired eyed man said.

"Weird? How so?" The white haired boy asked.

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