Zonah- zacherella

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Feminine Zach

-Zach POV-
"Zachary hurry up I don't have time to wait around!" my step sister Lottie yelled as I was doing her hair apparently too slowly. As my other step sister runs into the room,
"Zachary what is taking so long I need you to do my hair!" Jada yelled.
"Go away Jada he's doing mine it's more important!" Lottie yelled at her sister.
As Jada yells back they start yelling back and forth as I'm still trying to get Lotties hair up. Lottie turns her head to scream at her sister as I'm trying tie it up making me accidentally pull her hair.
"Ow!" She yelled standing up as I let go of her hair to suddenly feel a pain on my cheek she slapped me. "Mother he pulled my hair!" Lottie yelled and at that time my step mother happened to walk into the room.
"I-I didn't mean to, it was an accident," I stuttered.
"I don't care if it was an accident, clean this up and go straight to your room no dinner for you tonight!" my step mother yelled.
The step sisters started laughing as there was a knock on the door. All three of them rush towards the door as my step mother opens it standing there was a messenger holding an invite from the castle. My step mother snatches the invite from his hands quickly thanking the man before slamming the door in his face and ripping the invite open.
She reads "I am inviting all young men and woman to a ball tomorrow night for me to find who I'll marry- from Prince Jonah Maris Roth Frantzich." And at that very moment the whole house went crazy as my step sisters and step mother start freaking out.
"Now girls lets have dinner and go to bed. So we can get up early and spend all day getting ready for the ball" My step mother says as the girls sit down on the table.
"Step Mother it does say all young men and woman could I go?" I asked her.
"You want to go?" She laughs "look at you the prince is looking for someone to marry not a maid," I huff and turn on my heel heading to my 'room.'

- Next day -

My step sisters and step mother have spent all day getting ready and they are finally leaving meaning I can get that dress I have hidden under my bed from my mother who died many years ago put it on and find my own way to the castle. I throw on the beautiful dress and some make up before rushing out the house.

Zach's dress -At the ball-

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Zach's dress
-At the ball-

I have been here for a while avoiding my step family and just enjoying my time.
"Hello beautiful," I hear as I look up seeing the prince looking at me. "Do you want to dance?" He asks me.
"You-ou wan-na d-dance with me?" I stutter never expecting the prince to ask me out of everyone who's here.
"Yeah!" He says excitedly "So... is that a yes?" He asks and I nod my head and take his hand. He takes me to the dance floor and we start dancing, it was an amazing feeling.
Prince Jonah spent the rest of the night with me and not dancing with anyone else.
"I never got your name beautiful." He says looking into my eyes but before I was able to answer I hear behind me
"Zachary!" And I immediately knew that my step mother and step sisters were there. "What are you doing here? I already told you the prince doesn't want a maid!" My step mother says not realising the prince standing next to me.
"Zachary, what a beautiful name," Jonah says pulling me towards him. My step mother finally realising the person I'm with.
"Why thank you but please call me Zach," I whispered turning around to look up into his eyes.
"And who are these people?" He asked me his eyes moving to the three figures behind me then quickly back to my eyes.
"We prince Jonah are his loving family," my step mother lies.
And at that I lose it I rip my eyes from Jonah's turning around and yelling "My family, you are far from my family, family does not starve their kids, or make their kids do everything for them nor do they hit their step kids and step siblings!"
And I see Jonah's face getting bright red with anger "You what? The ball is over! I have found my one!" He yelled "And get these woman out of my castle!" He points to my step mother and sisters as they are removed from the castle. I turn around to look at Jonah.
"Who have you chosen?" I ask.
"You silly!" He laughs.
"Really! Me! But I'm nobody"
"Your everything to me and your beautiful and pretty and I want you here with me for the rest of my life. Do you accept?" He asks smiling at me.
I look up into his green eyes my smile growing by the second. As I answer with a yes, he cheers and picks me up spinning me around. Before putting me down and connecting our lips.

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