Bronny- His initials

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-Brooklyn's POV-
It's finally my 18th birthday and I just woke up I look down to my wrist seeing the initials of my soulmate for the first time R.R. The black outlines said and I have no idea about anyone who has the initials R.R.
I walk down the stairs as my parents turn to see me
"Happy 18th birthday sweetie!" My mum yelled coming to hug me. I hugged her back but she quickly pulled my wrist to look at the letters.
"Any ideas?" She asked.
"I have no idea," I sigh.
I get ready for school before leaving, first going to the coffee shop that I always go to.
-time skip-
I walked into the Coffee Shop seeing the cute boy named Sonny cleaning a table.
He looks up smiling at me getting my usual coffee ready. I walk up to the counter.
"Hey Brooklyn, happy birthday." He smiled. Since I come to this shop a lot, Sonny and I have become close friends, he is 20 already.
"Thanks Sonny" I smile him handing me my coffee with a free biscuit.
As he is handing me the coffee our hands touch as I suddenly feel the pain in my arms.
I quickly pull my sleeve up seeing the outline of the letters slowly being filled in. I look up to Sonny looking at his arm as well.
"I-I-I don't get it your names Sonny!" I stutter.
"That's my nickname Brook, my real names Ryan," he says. I look up at the tall boy starring once again at his wrist.
"Do you like me?" I ask unsurely quickly looking down shyly at my feet.
"Brooklyn, is that even a question? I've liked you for so long I just didn't want to start anything up without at least knowing my soulmate." Sonny says "But since you are my soulmate would you want to go out with me?"
I looked up smiling at the handsome boy nodding my head before jumping in his arms wrapping my legs around his waist as he holds me up.
I eventually get out of Sonny's hold looking at the time realising schools already started.
"Want to go back to my house? I can call someone in to take my shift," Sonny asked. I nodded smiling still surprised that this angel liked me back and was my soulmate.
I jump out of my daydream seeing Sonny pull his phone out. Realising I needed to tell my mother. So I grabbed my phone out quickly to message my mum and tell her everything.
When I was done Sonny grabbed my hand pulling me outside towards his car.

-time skip-

We got to his house and he gets out of the car running around to my door opening it for me. "Such a gentleman," I laughed.
He grabs my hand pulling me into the large apartment.
Walking past two boys on the couch kissing, "Brook this is my roommate Rye and his boyfriend Andy," Sonny explains pointing towards the two boys that don't even glance our way, "Get used to this they do it a lot." He sighs and I giggle at him.
"Your laugh is adorable" Sonny smiles at me I blush looking down. But Sonny put his fingers under my chin lifting my head up to look into his gorgeous eyes.
"Don't hide your face beautiful" he whispers before pulling me to what I'm guessing is his room. He jumps in the bed pulling me down as well.
Sonny smiles at me and I smile back getting comfortable in his hold. Sonny puts on a Disney movie as I lay my head on top of his chest putting my attention towards the screen.
Best birthday ever.

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