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My first Wattpad interview was with BelWatson! She has 10, 655 fans, 62, 890 votes received and 6,705,482 reads all together! Unbelievable...Everybody, take notes. This woman is a flacking genious.

When and why did you start writing? 

Bel: I started writing stories when I was 16.

Do you have any inspirations?

Bel: My favourite authors, I guess. Marianne Curley, Suzanne Collins, Veronica Roth, Julie Kagawa, Lauren Oliver, Kristen Cashore...

Would you ever write a book that wasn't a fan fiction?

Bel:  I've written many of those already. Most of them are in spanish, though. I even have a trilogy and an independent series about car racers.

How awkward because I remember learning that already and I asked anyway... We'll just say it was for you guys. Ya.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Bel: Probably with a deal with a publisher and writing more books.

Are you in a relationship? If not, do you want to be?

Bel:  Nope and nope. Love is very low in my list of priorities. I just don't believe in love for myself. I'm perfectly fine as I am now.

Do you want to ever publish a book? If so, do you know what it would be about?

Bel: Of course, it's my dream to publish a book. Probably it's going to be a romantic fantasy.

Whats your favorite book as of this moment?

Bel:  Uh, that's a hard one. Hmmm... Probably The Hunger Games.

How do you know all so well how to write the perfect moment that gets the reader hooked?

Bel: I don't really know it, I just write what I see in my mind and what I would like to read. I write because I love it, because it makes me feel alive and good, because it's fun for me and if I don't, I guess I would go crazy with all the characters i have living in my mind. They ask me to set them free.


With all of the things you do like Uni and tutoring, how do you find time to write?

Bel: To be honest, writing doesn't take much of my time, like an hour per chapter and I Normally write before going to bed, like at 12 am or something like that, plus I always have some chapters written in advance in case I don't have time to write during the week. Of course I had to give up on something and that's reading. I haven't read a whole book (for pleasure) in a while which pains me a lot.

How do you come up with such unique plot lines?

Bel: I just think. I came up with an idea and I develop it in my mind till the end (in a broad sense) and if I feel it's original somehow, I write it down.

Bel has 11 stories up so far and still has more to come! Check out her blog for details:

Her Wattpad: (also in the external link)

Her stories: 

Let Yourself Fall

Radio Interview

*In order of series* 



Music Sheet

*One Shots/Short Stories*

Moni's Adventures One shots (One Direction)

The TARDIS Tales

Big Time Rush one shots

And last but not least, a story I cannot categorize for I am not the brightest bulb but let's just say drama; 

A Shot Of Tequila

****SIDE NOTES****

I, personally, am probably one of the biggest BelWatson fans. I can't even with her writing. Asdfghjkl.

I love the answers she gave and I basically just love her. She is so perfect and now I know why she doesn't have a boyfriend. Because A: Shes to perfect. and B: She doesn't want one!

So to sum up this spectacular interview with one of the nicest people IN THE WORLD, shes perfect and thats enough said.

If you JUST heard about her today, please check out her books because they are astounding.


The whole time whilst reading these answers I was thinking; "If I could be Bel for a day, I would probably hide somewhere that way they couldn't change me back."


My only wishes for this wonderful women is for her to find time for herself. To take a week or 2 week break and read a whole book or go to a spa or something. I admire Bel with a lot because she does so much in a day and I just wish I could be a like her. Being 13, obviously I can't now because ya, but when I'm older... I just hope she can find time someday to focus on only her, knowing how much effort she puts into other people is one of the things that makes her admirable. 

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