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I got to interview a wonderful person named Alana for my second interview! Shes super nice and I guess I could call her my friend, if shes okay with that! She has 908 fans, 121 votes recieved and 3192 all together! I found this wonderful girl when I was driving home from camping with my dad and I was on his phone reading a wonderful book called Kidnapped By My Childhood Bully. Im so proud of this girl!

Why did you take down your story?

Alana: Kidnapped by my childhood bully? I really really didn't like it, I thought it was badly written and the plot was awful:( it was what made me get so many fans, so I was grudging taking it down. 

All in all, who inspired you to be a writer?

Alana: Mmm, I'm not really sure. Probably when I was younger people like 'Jacqueline Wilson' and I started posting here because I seem how fun it could be.

Do you have a favorite book or writer on Wattpad?

Alana: Yeah :) I like a lot of people but right now it's @motherfuuuckeerr and her stories 'Maliks Stripper' and 'Maliks Dirty Dancer'.

Do you have any new book ideas, and if so, can you give us a basic summary?

Alana: I've got little plans, but not a full idea. So I can't give a summary :(

What is something you wish to say to (or ask) your fans everyday?

Alana: Just to thank then for all there kind words and support, you  have no idea how happy they make me :)

On a day-to-day basis, how do YOU find time to write?

Alana: Well, just after school when I'm on my laptop. Even in class if I'm bored I sometimes write instead if taking notes..whoops

How do you think of your creative plots? 

Alana: I don't even know. Like, sometimes, if I'm watching tv, I get a idea. Even if something's mentioned in the news, I'll sorta use that. 

When did you join Wattpad and why?

Alana: I joined it in May? I think...I joined it because I had been reading other people and liked the whole idea.

Do you ever feel as though you waste your time on Wattpad and that you could be doing other things?

Alana: All the time! Especially studding instead of writing, but writing is sorta studding English...I guess? Haha 

What advice could you give to writers who are just starting off? 

Alana: To just keep going! I had lots of books in the past, some alright and some terrible. Keep on posting if it makes you happy. Wattpad really helps improve your writing skills as well, in a few months with playing around with stories you'll see massive changes!

Alana has 4 stories up so far and still has more to come! Ask her more questions at her ask.fm website: http://ask.fm/Harrysfourboobs

Her Wattpad: (Also in the external link) http://www.wattpad.com/user/IWantToMarryLou

Her stories:

Bluebell. (Louis Tomlinson)

Stronger. (A Narry Fanfiction)

Bad Apple

*One Shots*

One Direction One Shots

****SIDE NOTES****

I am so proud of Alana! She has gotten so far! In fact, she just posted Bluebell. and it is already Fan Fiction #402 and Romance #864! I am so proud I can't even express it as well as I want to! I have been wanting to acomplish something like this or see one of my friends acomplish something like this for forever so I am very happy because she deserves it! I am a huge fan of her writing style and she really is it a great person. 

To sum up this wonderful interview, She is just extremely awesome and I'm extremely jealous.

If this is your first time hearing about her, please fan her and check her books out cause they are phenominal and she deserves as many votes the world has to offer. Xx 


The whole time during this interview and reading her answers I was mentally hyperventilating because I couldn't believe someone who wrote a story I started out just reading on my dads iPhone was talking to me. Shes extremely sweet and if I could I would hug her.



I have two quick wishes;

1. That she didn't delete Kidnapped By My Childhood Bully. I was so in love with it and I understand that she wasn't. But this is just a wish. The book is what led me to this wonderful person. I owe it everything.

2. That she becomes extremely successful with whatever she wants to do when she is older. She deserves so much happiness and success. I really mean it. Xx

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