Chapter 1

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Warning- bullying / hate


The world is no longer in a state of nature, but sometimes I still think that it's laws apply. Chaos sneaks into the gaps of everyday life, aided and abetted by the unreliability of people and their choices. When humanity commissioned a Social Contract of fairness and obligation they thought that the inderviduals place in the whole was set. But they forgot that an unwritten contract can bind no one, not even the greatest of men or the greatest of fouls, and this Social Contract is, after all, purely an ideal.

I live in a world of modernity but it feels as if my soul is shackled in another time. Especially when I am called upon by the 4 horse shits of my apocalypse; death, famine, pestilence and war.

Nicknamed by me of course. It is the least I can do for all the suffering I have met by their hands.

These souls, well it is debatable if they even have such an asset, are not only destined for each other as soulmates - death and war running hand in hand whilst pestilence and famine spread the love - but also for me, as my worst nightmares.

Death constantly kills any opportunity I have at starting a social life.

Famine ruins my meals, to the point that I no longer even try to eat if I am not home.

Pestilence is always, and I mean always, there to bug me with criticism and belittling words.

And war, well, war is always willing to fight- to throw the first punch, land the first kick. And then the others join in the fun.

Now, I understand that a normal person has one soulmark, and only one soulmark, that leads them to their one and only destiny. I know that it has been this way for generations. That this image-word set becomes saturated with colour the moment that both souls live and breath upon this earth. I understand that.

And so, I also understand why I am different.

They say my soul is broken, beat me and kick me because I should not waste the air on the earth if I do not have the dignity to love only one. But it isn't my fault. I didn't choose to have seven markings. I don't want to show off like they say that I do. I just want to be normal. Not to be told that having no one is my punishment for being unable to love just one.

And I do have no one.

None of my marks hold any colour. None. Not a single image, or sole letter of the seven words. Not the small ship on the great ocean nor the earth that sits stagnant. Not the mask that is covered by blooming flowers or the small cat that gazes longingly at the moon. Not the tiny piano that calls for a loving tune, and not the beautiful goldfish who looks trapped within the glass. Not even the vining flower will let colour fill it's petals, not even for me. Seven chances, and all are monochrome lines, dead and dark, lifeless in their disheartening form.

So the four horsemen, actually the whole world, they scorn me. Call me names. Beat me up. Use my soul markings against me;

"Oh look, here comes the soulless girl. How is that cat? Still waiting hopefully for something that will never come?"

"How about that damned fish? Swimming in circles? Every lap forgetting its faults... no it's reasons to disapear?"

"You still wearing a brave mask? I always knew you were fake and even your soul mates must. That is why they refuse to be born even though you are almost 19!"

"Go use those damn vines as a noose, maybe then the flowers will fill with the colour of your faiding life. If not, oh well, at least you tried".

All I can do is breath. To walk past as fast as I can and get to class. 'Don't let them pull you into an empty room again' I repeat in my head as my feet carry me.

It isn't long before I make it to the door, quickly sliding it open and sneaking up to my seat. Alone at the back of the room. Don't get me wrong, I have friends, just none here in this hell hole rulled by the harbingers of my doom.

The class starts. However my mind wonders off, out through the glass and into the park outside. Small birds singing songs of freedom as I sit here caged by the system. Birds flying, moving swiftly as they work with the wind to move against gravity - all I feel is it's presure upon me. They get to bask in the sun whilst all I can do is hide in the shadow of society, away from the judgment and pity, away from it all.

My mind is drawn harshly from the window as a girl on the other side of the room yells. The class stops abruptly and the teacher rushs to her side, examining her before another student yelps in surprise.

There are whispers of curiosity and concern before the bubbles of people around them finaly give in and pop with questions, "what is it?"

"M-my arm.... my soulmark, why are there words now? Multiple words? That, that isn't normal!"

"Me-me to. I have words too! A whole sentance just appeared next to the dog!"

And then all hell brakes lose as everyone in the room rushs to look at either their own or another persons mark.

Five more people in class that day had sentances etched in their skin, besides their soulmarks. Sentances that were not there that morning. This phenomenon was not restricted to my class or even my country, the whole world reported cases and the numbers kept rising every day.

This was a new soulmark manifestation and as I sat watching the news report I thought about how I am living through another major marker in history.

The soulmark rarely manifests, little is known as to why or how, but it is always universal. Always, except in my case, my seven marks are unique.

I am just glad that I am living through this change. Because if I was from the following generations, then that would just mean more studying that I would have to do for my upcoming history test.

And the world is already complicated enough for my liking, especially alone.

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