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Brett's POV

It was 6 am I was lying in bed when my phone kept going off. I roll over and look to see who it is. Urg its Jason. I went out with him once and it was one of the worst dates I've ever had. And I do mean worst date. I ignored the message and rolled back over I was not going to let him ruin my day. But my phone buzzed again. This was ridiculous I couldn't stand it. I grabbed my phone and decided to block his number. Hoping he get the hint I wasn't interested. I kinda was interested in someone who could potential be against regulations but I didn't care. I flipped though my morning emails then got up and headed to the kitchen for some much needed coffee. I cannot function without coffee. I can get very grumpy. People know to stay away if I haven't had my coffee. While the coffee was being made I got some of my stuff ready for the day. It was another 24 hour shift at 51 today. I loved going to work and helping the city of Chicago. It also helps that I work with some of the greatest people. We are all like one big family. It's great. Once my coffee is done I head back to my bedroom and put my uniform and makeup on for the day. Then check my overnight bag to make sure I have everything I need for shift. Once I have everything ready, I head outside. It's the most perfect fall day. There's this crispness in the air that I love. It's my favorite season. I could tell today was going to be a great day. I hop into my car and my favorite song is on. It doesn't take me long to get to the firehouse since I live about 10 minutes down the road. I love that my commute to work is so short. I park on the side of the street and as I'm walking in Kidd greats me at the bottom of the apron. "How was th...." She starts "Don't even ask." I say as I point my finger in her direction. "That bad" she laughs as Severide comes up behind her wraps his arms around her and whisks her away before I could respond. I walk in to the common room to see if breakfast was up yet. I was starving but Ritter and Gallo had just started cooking. So I decided to go put my stuff away in my locker before we had roll call and our morning meeting. I was walking in to the locker room when I see Casey at his locker putting his stuff away before the start of shift. . I can't help but smile as I stop just short of where I can see him but he can't see me and stare. Then walk in so others won't see me drooling over him. "Morning Brett" he says to me as I reach my locker. Which is just a few away from his on the opposite side of the bench. "Morning" I say back to him as I set my stuff on the bench. "So I meant to ask, how was your date the other night? He says to me "haha you call taking me to a rundown looking fired carnival food cart in some rundown part of town then ditching me 10 minutes later to go hang with his buds a date. Yeah it was just peachy." I say as I turn back to my locker. "Duly noted no carnival food cart" Casey's says under his breath. "What, did you say something?" I say looking back up. "Oh just that I'm sorry your date was so bad. No girl should ever have to have a date like that." He tells me. "Oh and what kind of date does Mr. Captain Casey do? I ask "you really want to know" he says "yeah hummer me."I say with a smile. "Well for starters I'd buy her, her favorite flowers then we would do dinner somewhere special. After dinner we would take a sunset boat ride to see the skyline ending with a walk through the park." He tells me. "You do that for every date you go on." I ask "no, I'd be broke if I did that. Only the ones I know will be special get that. The rest get just dinner and maybe a movie. Depends on the girl. What would be your ultimate date?" he asks me. "A romantic stroll through the park ending at the Eiffel Tower with dinner under the stars. I've always loved the idea of going to Pairs. I know that will probably never happen unless I come into a lot of money or marry someone rich. But you did say ultimate date and that would be it." I say "well you never know. It might happen someday." He says with a smile. Yeah when pigs fly I doubt anyone will ever take me to Paris" I say. "Never know your luck could change any day. Oh hey we better get going we don't wanna be later for the morning briefing, you know how Boden gets if anyone is late." He tells me as he looks at the time. I finish putting my things away and lock my locker back up. I wasn't watching where I was going and run right into Casey. "Well someone's eager to start shift." He says as he grabs a hold of me to steady me so I don't fall over. "Sorry I should really watch where I'm going. I didn't hurt you, did I?" I say. "It's okay not a scratch on me. I promise. He says with a smile. He then leads me to the briefing room with his hand resting gently at the small of my back. This is has been a great day so far and its only 7:52 am I can't wait to see what the rest of the day brings. 

AN: Hey guys hope you enjoyed this one shot. This is part one of two. Part two should be up Tuesday or Wednesday. So be on the look out for that. If you could play any character from any One Chicago show who would it be and why? I would chose Brett or Upton because they are bad-ass people. As always feel free to Vote, Comment and Leave Suggestions. 

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