Chapter 6: Danny's first deployment

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Skipping a few years

Emma age 5
Year 1998

Danny telling maria hes getting deployed

Maria we need to talk. Danny said
What's going on Danny. Maria asked
I'm being deployed. Danny said
When and how long? Maria asked
Next month and for a year. Danny said
Wow. We need to tell Emma. Maria said
And the family. Danny said

Telling Emma.....
Hey Em can you come here please. Danny said
Coming daddy. Emma said
Emma sits in between her parents
Emma we need to tell you some thing. Maria said
What is it? Emma asked
Daddy has to go away for a while to fight the bad guys. Danny said
Why? emma asked
Because it's my job. Danny said
Oh. Can I go play. Emma said
Yeah baby you can. Maria said

I don't think she understands what's going on or she is just processing the news. Maria said
Probably both. Danny said

Up in emma room

She was sitting on the corner crying
Talking to herself
Why does it have to be my daddy leaving me. I dont want him to leave me.  She cried so much she fell asleep

Danny and Maria go up and check on there daughter. They found her asleep in the corner with tear tracks. They looked at each other.
She took the news really bad if shes crying she doesnt cry ever. Maria said
I know. Danny said

Emma nightmare....
Emma we need to talk to you. Maria said
Yeah mommy. Emma said
Daddy has to fight the bad guys for a while so I wont be home. Danny said
Why does it have to be you daddy? Emma asked
Because it's my job. Danny said
No I don't want you to leave daddy you cant leave. Your gonna get hurt what if you don't come back. Emma cried

No no no no dont leave me. Emma cried out

Danny and Maria heard there daughter whimper

Emma baby wake up ots just a bad dream. Maria said
Emma wake up and flew into her dads arms.
Hey easy baby girl your okay. I promise. Danny said
Emma cried and hugged her dad
Hey calm down sweet girl. Maria said
They got her to calm down.

Do you wanna tell us about your dream? Maria asked
No. Emma said
Okay. Maria said

Emma didnt let lose of her dad every where he went she went. She even slept in her parents bed.

I think I know what her dream was about. Maria said
What? Danny asked
You leaving. Maria said
I think your right. Danny said

Telling the family about Danny's deployment

Family dinner

Emma wasnt talking and she wouldbt let go of Danny.

Guys what's going on with emma. Frank asked
I'm being deployed in a month and she not taking the news to well. Danny said
Emma heard what her daddy said again and started to cry again.
Baby girl calm down I'm not going anywhere right now.  Danny said calming his daughter down
Emma curled even further into her dads arms
How long are you gone for? Mary asked
A year. Danny said

So on we have good news. Erin said
Whats that? Maria asked
Emma will have a cousin to play with soon. I'm 4 months pregnant with a girl. Erin said
Wow guys congrats. Everyone said

Next month
Danny leaving
He said goodbye to the rest of his family the day before he left so it was only Maria and Emma at the base with him saying goodbye.

Danny  was holding Emma
I love you baby girl. You be good for mommy for me and take care of your new baby cousin okay. Danny said
Okay. I love you daddy. Emma said
I'm going to go now I'll see you soon.
Dont go. Emma cried
I have to. Danny said
Danny handed Emma to her mom and he kissed them both goodbye.
He walked and boarded the plane

Emma cried all the way home

10 months into his tour Danny goes missing

Military officers go inform the family

At the family home.....
(Mind you Nichole Reagan-Boyl was almost a year old )

Knock on the front door.
Maria goes to answer it

Mrs. Reagan. Lt. Michaels said
Yes. Maria said
I'm sorry to inform you your husband is missing in action. We are doing everything we can to locate your husband. Lt. Michaels said
Oh god. Maria said
The whole family standing behind her
Emma was crying being now 6 years old she understood what that meant.

The officer left

The family was crying
Mommy why daddy? Emma asked
Because some things just happen. But daddy is being really. Rave and ge will come home. Maria said
Emma cried out she wanted her daddy.

Maria why dont you and emma take Danny's old room tonight. Mary said
Okay. Maria said
Maria and emma go up to Danny's room

3 months later
Danny not missing any more he has been found

Informing the family

Maria was at home when she got the call

M. Hello
D. Hey baby
M. Danny?
D. Yeah it's me Maria
M. Oh my god it so good to here your voice again
D. Same
M. When are you coming home
D. Tomorrow
M. Can I tell emma
D. Tell her I'm safe and I'll see her soon. I figure I could surprise her
M. That will work
D. Good I can't wait to see you guys I missed you
M. We missed you too
D. I love you and I'll see you tomorrow. I'm getting on the plane now it's a 18 hour flight
M. I love you too. And I'll see you tomorrow
They hang up

Emma gets home from school

Emma guess what. Maria said
What mommy? Emma said
Daddys okay I talked to him. He should be home soon. Maria said
Yay. Daddys coming home. Emma said
They hugged each other

The next day...
Emma was at school all day

Maria went to pick her husband up from the base.

Maria saw her husband and took off running to him and jumped into his arms.

God I missed you so much Danny. Maria said
I missed you too. Danny said
They kissed
They walked off to the car and got in

Where is our daughter at? Danny asked
Just now getting home from school. Lily us watching her. Maria said
Who's lily? Danny said
My friend from school I needed someone that wasn't family to watch her so I could come and get you. Maria said
Okay. Danny said
Let's get home. Maria said

At home.
Lily did you know daddy is okay again and is coming home soon. Emma said
Really I didn't know that. Lily said

Maria pulled into the driveway
Maria came into the house first

Hey emma come here and close your eyes. Madia said
Emma ran over to her mom and did as she was told
Maria looked over to her husband to tell him to come in.

Hey Emma you can open your eyes now. Maria said
Emma opened her eyes and saw her dad.
DADDY!!!! Emma yelled and ran to her dad and jumped into his arms

I missed you daddy so much. Emma cried
I missed you too baby girl. Danny said

Emma never left her dad that day or night

Family dinner

Maria and emma walked in all smiles

Guys why are you so happy? Jamie asked
Because it okay to be happy cause daddys okay. Emma said
What does she mean Maria? Joe asked
Daddy can you come here please. Emma said
Danny walked into the dining room
Danny? Everyone said
Surprise. Danny said
Your home. Erin said
Yeah. Danny said
When? Henry said
Yesturday. Maria said
Everyone hugged him

Danny meet your niece Nichole Reagan-Boyl aka Nicky. Erin said
Can I. Danny asked
Yeah. Erin said handing Nicky over to her brother

He left the marines and went into the reserves but he join the NYPD as Maria did to.

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