Love. Denial. Acceptance.

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After Reborn's parents died, everything changed.

He was 16 when it happened. He had no other family to speak of, so naturally, he immediately came to Tsuna. Who had, fortunately, just turned 18.

The brunet hadn't minded. He still didn't mind Reborn staying with him. Nor did he mind providing for him and paying for everything until the raven went to college. They'd been best friends for forever, and Tsuna would do whatever it took to support him.

Which was not to say that Reborn hadn't offered, because that was not at all the case. The kid had pestered him about getting a job for the better part of the first week before simply giving up. He knew Tsuna well enough to know the brunet was putting his foot down. That and his parents' deaths had absolutely destroyed him.

It was strange for Tsuna to see him like that. Despite being the younger of the pair, Reborn always seemed to be more put together. Stronger. He never gave a shit about what other people thought of him. If he had a problem, he always found a way to solve it himself. And, you can bet your ass he never let anyone see him cry.

That's why when Reborn showed up at Tsuna's door at 2:00 in the morning, soaked to the bone from the pouring rain, sobbing, Tsuna panicked.

They passed in a car accident. Died on impact, according to the officer that had come to see them the following morning. Seeing as Reborn had no other family, and Tsuna's own parents were ghosting him over in Italy, the brunet was promptly granted custody.

Reborn moved in immediately, his things followed by the end of the week. Despite everything that had happened, it was almost normal. Reborn snooping around his house at every hour of the day or night, Reborn making fun of Tsuna's attempts to cook, Tsuna trying his best to ignore his painfully obvious feelings for the other. The only differences were the evident increase in cuddles and sob sessions.

By the end of the next week, the funeral had taken place. Both teens were required to return to school, and Tsuna received an unfortunate visit from a certain lawyer.

The brunet sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He knew that he needed to focus, but his mind kept returning to Reborn.

He'd tried to get the black-haired teen extra time away from school, had almost fought the principal over it actually. But Reborn had just smiled sadly at Tsuna and told him it wouldn't be a problem, he was ready to go back anyways. He was lying. But Tsuna just let it go, the kid was struggling enough as it was, he didn't need to add an argument to the list.

Luckily, most everyone was gracious about the transition. Reborn's teachers had easily agreed to lower the workload to avoid causing him more stress (even though the teen could do his homework in his sleep), and Tsuna's own professors had been understanding about his absence.

Which was yet another reason that he needed to focus. His Political Science professor had courteously allowed him to make up for the big ass test he missed, but Tsuna wouldn't put it past him to fail him if he didn't turn in his paper on time.

That would be a nightmare and a half. He couldn't afford to fail a class, not right now. He needed to pass every single one in his full course load or he wouldn't be able to afford to put himself through college.

The doorbell rang.

Tsuna's head perked up. He cursed himself for getting excited over another distraction.

He stood and made his way over to the front door, peering through the peephole into the hallway of his apartment complex.

There was a man outside. Tsuna frowned, he didn't recognize him. He considered ignoring him but quickly dismissed the idea. What if it was related to Reborn?

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