Mafia lovers ep1

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Y/n p.o.v
I woke up cuz of my annoying brother...actually step-brother..
???: yah!!! Y/n dad wants to talk to u wake up!!
Y/n: go away yoongi it's just 9 in the morning!
Yoongi: I will come in and throw water at u
Y/n: ugh...fine I'm up u stupidass *i love him very much but he is VERY annoying sometimes*
I went to the bathroom to take a shower and do my morning routine after that I wore this

fine I'm up u stupidass *i love him very much but he is VERY annoying sometimes*I went to the bathroom to take a shower and do my morning routine after that I wore thisOutfit:-

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Hair and makeup:-
(Any type of colour or length u want)

Hair and makeup:-(Any type of colour or length u want)

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After that u went downstairs to see ur step-mom sitting on the couch watching Netflix

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After that u went downstairs to see ur step-mom sitting on the couch watching Netflix..u and yoongi hated her cuz she was a total control freak and used to abuse u but yoongi protects u, she still does u both try to tell that to ur dad but he is in love with her so he would take her side no matter what...I saw dad on the table reading the newspaper
Dad: come here y/n we have a lot to talk abt
Y/n: what is it dad *i said already feeling annoyed*
Dad: from tomorrow u are gonna go to the same school as ur brother..
Y/n: *it took me a few seconds to realise what was going on* WTH!?why? I'm not going..
Dad: yes u are end of for why u need to cuz what if they find out abt u, then u are on ur own *talking abt ur enemies*
Y/n: but da-*he cut me off*
Dad: enough is enough y/n u will go to that school!
Y/n: ugh! Fine! But only on one condition..
Dad: what is it? *he said kinda annoyed but I don't care*
Y/n: I AM going on this mission *yoongi already left somewhere while we were fighting*
Step-mom: no honey it might be dangerous for u *she said putting on a act, I rolled mah eyes*
Dad: fine as long as u go to that school
Y/n: yesss thank u thank u thank u daddy *i kiss his cheeks and his eyes soften*
Dad: *chuckles* okay now go get ready princess...I mean get ur weapons ur leaving soon
Y/n: okiii see ya *i run upstairs, to my room, into the closet and open my weapon room*
This is what I take:-

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