Mafia lovers ep 3

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Y/n p.o.v
Me: he is my brother *i said rolling my eyes*
Yoongi: wait so u are the girl who hit hwasa?
Me: duh..she pulled my hair and slapped me so...*i say annoyed*
Yoongi: ok then we are no longer dating..*he says a bit cold*
Hwasa: what!? Why!?
Yoongi: cuz not only did u hurt my lil sis but u also told ME to hit MY own sis *he said getting more and more angry*
Hwasa left crying and I was here with a angry lil meow meow...I tried to calm him down
Me: calm down my meow meow *i said hugging him* I will bake u something ok don't be angry *i say*
Yoongi: promise *he says as his face lights up and he flashes his gummy smile*
Me: *chuckle at his cuteness* promise
We were abt to leave when Lisa came running she wanted my number so of course I gave her,then went home me on my bike....I arrived a few mins before yoongi...I went in the kitchen and started collecting ingredients to make cupcakes with..i decided to go to the site to buy the paper cups and sprinkles..
Jk p.o.v
I was playing overwatch when my hyung came with the file in his hand
Jin: here u go kook
Me: thank u hyung...and can u make me something I'm starving
Jin: just go to the store and buy something *he says clearly annoyed that we always ask him for food*
Me: ughhhh okay
After he left I open the file abt Black Rose and what I say shook me
Black Rose mafia
Real name: y/n
Age: 18
Relationship status: single
Talents: dance, sing, shooting, fighting, knives
Position: all
She is alone in the group,so far no members are there
Me: u are a mafia *i smirk*
But then my stomach growls so I go to the store to buy myself some snacks
Back to ur p.o.v (at the store)
I got the things I needed but decided to take some snacks for later....I was in the chips and chocolate aisle when someone bumped in me
Me: wtf are u blind *i look up* wth are u doing here.....
Author p.o.v
Jk was in the chips aisle when he saw his banana milk he ran towards it but he accidentally bumped into some girl...he looked and saw y/n*
Y/n: wtf are u blind *she looked up and saw jk* wth are u doing here.....jeon jungkook
Jk: I'm obviously here for some snacks *he says while rolling his eyes*
Y/n: whatever
She goes to the cashier to pay and jk also follows after she pays she goes to her bike..and notices jk following her
Y/n: are u following me *she asked as she raises an eyebrow*
Jk: my car is beside  ur bike *he says then gets in*
Y/n gets on her bike and rides home while jk does the same..u both go different ways
Y/n house
U got home and started baking to get ur mind off what just happened...after U finished U called yoongi and went to ur room taking ur snacks with me cuz U wanted to watch Netflix THANK GOD tomorrow is a Saturday...While watching movies  u didn't even realise when u fell asleep
Yoongi came in ur room only to find u asleep he kissed ur forehead and cleared everything up
Wually do healthy but hey dad got ur fav fruits so of course u had to eat..u saw ur dad
Me: hey dad...I was thinking if I could go out with my friends?
Dad: sure..but where?
Me: club?
Dad: hmm ok..but pls be careful
Me: dad I'm a mafia of course I will be careful *i say annoyed*
Dad: okay okay I need to go I have a meeting..*he went out the house*
Step-mom: looks like it's just u and me
I flinched at her voice turned around and saw her smirking...I felt chills, she came closer but I backed away she then grabbed my wrist preventing me from running and pushed me to the ground
Step-mom: I don't even know why they love u..they are as stupid as they can be *she says as she kicked me*
She then grabbed my hair roughly while u scream in pain..she was abt to slap me but I had enough of this
Me: insult me all u want but when it comes to dad and yoongi u are dead
I kick her in the stomach making her bend in reflex then I grab her by her hair and throw her on the floor
Step mom: wait till I tell ur dad abt this *ugh how I HATE her I punched her in the face and said*
Me: open ur mouth and u are dead u know I'm a mafia right *i glare at her*
She gulped in fear and nodded..I smirked to see that now SHE was scared of ME and not the other way around I felt good finally standing up for myselfs
Me: also don't u dare touch me or yoongi again *she again nodded*
I went to my room to call my friends
On call
Me: hey Lisa
Lisa: heyy y/n wassup
Me: so I was wondering if we could all go to a club?
Lisa: sounds awesome!
Me: ok so u tell the others and all of u come to my place I will text u the location
Lisa: okayyyy! Wooo I'm excited
Me: I can tell ok now go tell them I'll text u
After the call I text her my location and wait for them while waiting I try to find what to wear and finally found the perfect one....a few minutes later the door bell rings I race down to open the door revealing my excited friends
Me: hey guys u ready
Them: hell yeah
We then go to my room to change and do the makeup and hair after all that this is our looks
Author p.o.v

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